Happy Happy Happy

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Euphoria. That's a good way to describe it. Catra was euphoric. She was walking on air and breathing in clouds. If she didn't think of anything, then nothing could hurt her and when nothing could hurt her she must have been happy. Right?

     She must have been happy when people stopped paying attention to her, in her past all she wanted was a spotlight, but now she couldn't let anyone down. She didn't have teachers breathing down her neck, or college looming over her. She didn't have anyone intimidated by her presence, so she no longer had anyone to compete with. There wasn't a purpose to it.
      Scorpia was drifting farther and farther away, closer into the arms of her loving flower girlfriend. And Catra was happy for her. Happy that she'd found someone to make her happy. Something Catra had never offered.

     Catra had even stopped feeling the stares of a certain blonde. Adora was back with her glitzy friends, with a one track path to college, then whatever great thing she'd choose to do in the world. Catra was happy for her too. Happy, happy, happy. That's what she told herself. 

     She must have been at least a little happy when she walked past Ms Weavers home. She was never going back there. Never ever again.

     Even the weather was happy. Sunshine peeked out of tree's and fat little toddlers laughed and shrieked on the nursery swingset. Bright candy-colored birds sang, and sang, and sang. It was sickeningly sweet. The sky was so blue. And the clouds were a shining silver grey. Like her eyes.

     The beacon was a dull metal and the coldness against her palms stunted the tingles she felt throughout  her body.

     The sky was so big and it looked as if she could fall back and it would envelop her in a hug. Only it wouldnt.

     The wind was furious the higher and higher she went but the higher and higher she went the most comforting the cool air felt.

     She was at the top now. The tremors in her body she wasn't quite aware of until now caused her knees to give out and she collapsed. Right there on the edge.

In the movies this was the part where someone called out to her. But Catra wasn't in a movie. It was real life.

In the stories this is the part where she should be crying. But she wasn't pitying herself. She was tired of doing that. She was proud of herself. She was finally doing it. She'd leave and never come back. Her face was wet now. Turns out tears come, even when your happy.

     Death can't be described as a burden. Or a horrible terrible thing. It's just a lack of life. Death doesn't destroy, it deprives. So If you've had more then a bad day, if you're entire life is nothing but bad. If the deprivation of life causes you no harm, but only a blessing, what's wrong with taking the way out?

      It all made perfect sense to Catra. So why was something holding her back? 

     Happy. It was that word. What do happy people do? What makes them so happy. She tried to think. One last problem to solve. Happy people smile. They smile with loud white teeth and precious little dimples. They laugh. They laugh with they're glitter infused friends and laugh at the dumbest little thing. They do other stuff to. They hug. They kiss they're flower girlfriends. They laugh and shriek on little swingsets and kiss eachothers injuries when they fall down.

They love.

Catra had finally found something she wanted.

She didn't want attention via intimidation.

She didn't want to insult people anymore

She wanted to love.

She picked up her cell phone and dialed one of the few numbers on it. They picked up on the second ring.

"Catra?" The voice sounded excited

"Hey, Adora."

"Catra where are you it sounds wind-"

"Just let me talk. "  she went quiet. "I know I'm a trash person and I treat you like trash, you deserve so much better."


"Let me finish." She sighed, the tears were heavier now. " you deserve everything in the whole wide world.  You deserve hugs, and love, and kisses and happiness, and you deserve it from someone who can provide It better then me, but....I love you, okay? I always have, and I always will." The last part came out in a desperate kind of whisper. "And a better person would find a better way to tell you then over the phone with shoddy stupid words but I don't know how to do that but I do know that I love you. And you dont need to respond. I just really, really love you" her voice cracked and it was all she could do to withhold gut wrenching sobs.

It took a second for Adora to recover her thoughts. "Catra where are you? I want to look you in the eyes and tell you I love you back. I wanna grab your hand and kiss your right there on the mouth, and then I want to hug you, and never, ever let go."

Catra didn't even know what to say. The ledge right in front of her looked a little less appetizing at the moment.


Tee hee epilogue coming soon, then I'm gonna edit the other chapters so that there's actually a somewhat coherent story that can be followed. Also i shouls probably change the title because the original ending was trashed, I'll work on it. Seriously tho, Listen guys, it's not worth it okay? Ily❤🎶💕

Sty Fr Th Ftr; Catradora High School Auحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن