Bloody Knuckles

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Oml this story has like 600 views, why r ppl reading this trash.

Stop it Catra. You idiot. Don't get close to her. You let her in before, she broke down your walls, then left you a mess. She's only here to hurt you. The thoughts coursed through Catra's head as she stormed away from the tree. She was an idiot! An idiot for going to homecoming. And idiot for talking to Adora. An idiot for sitting with her like everythings okay. An idiot for getting so close to...that moment. An idiot for almost enjoying it. Happiness. Something she didn't deserve and even if she did, she'll never let that come from Adora ever again. She didn't plan on letting it come from anyone every again. Remember Catra, you don't need anyone else. Don't let anyone else hurt you ever again. People had hurt her. Adora had hurt her. And no way was she going to come crawling back to her after she walked out.

Catra had been walking. She didn't know for how long, or what time it was, but she had ended up in the woods next to the school. She didn't know what to do. She had a whole lot of feelings, no one to share them with, no way to cope with them, and a whole lot of pride. So she did the thing her mind was screaming at her to do.

CRACK. And a sickening crunch caused the girl to hiss out in pain. Her knuckles hurt from the blow she had delivered to the tree but it felt...refreshing. So she did it again. And again. And again. Until her hands were bloody and bruised but she didn't care. The emotional release was short, but Catra considered it worth it as it was better in her mind then what followed. She collapsed to the woodland floor in a heap and felt dry tears come to her eyes. She was shaking. She wasn't sure if it was anger, or sadness or something. But she was trembling. At that moment the forest seemed to silence. Guess not even the animals ans bugs want to be around me.  She hated herself. Here she was, so weak and fragile. She wasn't sure who's fault it was. She didn't know who to be mad at. Ms Weaver, Adora, herself. But something SOMETHING fucked her up enough to be like the weak, pathetic thing crying in the middle of the woods. Or your just a screw up. No. She refused to buy into that little voice in her head. It wasnt getting her anywhere. Nothing was getting her anywhere. Something needs to change. She thought to herself. She didn't know what but she knew she needed to do something. And fast. Because she needed to kill whatever little monster was eating her up on the inside, and soon there wasn't going to be anything left.

Can someone just give Catra therapy like cmon. Sorry this took so long to update school just started and it's slowly sapping my life force. I'm gonna try to update more frequently but uh, yeah! Drink water, have a good day!❤

Sty Fr Th Ftr; Catradora High School AuWhere stories live. Discover now