Reunion VII

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If my job wasn't paying so much, I would've considered quitting a long time ago. I loved helping my patients and making a difference in their lives, but these shifts were exhausting. I had some difficult patients throughout the day, and on top of that I had to go pick up my grandparents from Janelle's house. We came to a mutual agreement that they would stay with me while they were here visiting. My grandma was already working my nerves, but I was going to tolerate her since she did so much for me.

The ride of my sister's house didn't take as long as I thought it would, I was able to listen to some music and relax. When I finally arrived, I was relieved to see that Janelle was already home. I didn't want to be alone with Hector because I couldn't hold back how I felt about him not supporting his family. After I locked my car, I quickly jogged up to their front door to quickly asses my outfit.

Physicians typically didn't wear scrubs, but some days I did if I worked a double shift in the ICU. Today I wore my hair in a messy bun and I wore minimal makeup. I decided to wear a pair of black business pants, a creme blouse, and a matching pair of black heels. I wanted to look nice for my grandparents since I haven't seen them in so long. I took a deep breath before rang the doorbell, after a few seconds, my nieces ran to the door and eagerly invited me inside.

"TT Geia we missed you!" Layla excitedly said while grabbing onto my hand.

"I missed you girls too. How is school going?" I asked them, while closing and locking the front door.

"It's ok. My friend and I are having a play date tomorrow so mommy said that I have to get ready for bed soon." Jaymie replied.

"I don't want you girls to get in trouble so start getting ready for bed." I replied after hugging them goodbye.

After they ran upstairs to their rooms, I took a deep breath and made my way into the family room. After I left for school, my grandparents sold their house and moved to Florida. They rarely came up to visit so this was nerve wracking, what if they hated me for leaving and never looking back?

When I entered the family room, everyone stopped talking and stared at me. I could tell right away that my grandparents aged, it was almost like they were sick but I was silently praying against that. Hector and Janelle were cuddled up on one end of the couch, and my grandparents sat on the other side. I awkwardly made my way over to a plush chair and sat down.

"Well look who decided to finally show up. Is that actually you Geia?" My grandma sarcastically said with a sly smile.

Everyone chuckled while I slowly nodded my head. My nerves were getting the best of me right now, but I was trying to conceal it to the best of my ability. I honestly hoped that my grandparents didn't hate me. I've felt guilty for a while now, but I let my pride and pain get the best of me. Now I was more determined than ever to make amends with them while they were still here.

"I guess that I do look a little different now. My hair grew, I toned up my body, and I changed my style. It's just maturity I guess." I nervously replied.

"Well it would've been nice to see you mature as an adult, but it is was it is." My grandma replied in a bitter tone .

My grandpa gave her a stern look that made me look down at the ground. I always favored my grandpa because he accepted me for me and he didn't constantly nag me, or hold my mistakes against me. My grandma on the other hand was a handful, she was always picking fights with everyone and making passive aggressive comments. I was definitely going to pick up more shifts and go to my friend's places to pass the time.

"Sorry to cut this reunion short guys but I have to finish up my assignments and I have to get up early for an event tomorrow." Janelle said while dramatically yawning.

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