~ Chapter 1 ~

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A little boy of the age of 13 was casually playing games on his phone. First he was playing Forntine and Brawl stars but he started to get tired of these games. He decided to go to the playstore for a new game. He was scrolling for a long time. He just wanted to close the playstore until he saw something interesting, there was a game called 'WONDERLAND'. He got curious and clicked on the game. He looked at the reviews :

I gave 5 starts because its very entertaining. You can do anything you want! You need to complete the tasks first btw. There are a lot of ads though, plz do something...

It was a fun game until it just vanished from my phone...

The boy wanted to try it so he installed the game. He waited a few minutes until it got installed. He clicked on the game as fast as he could because he was really exited for this new game.

"Keonhee kid!!" he heard his dad calling him
"Yeah?!" Keonhee yelled back

"Dinners ready!"

"Okay! Im coming!"

He put his phone down and walked downstairs.
he was thinking about the game.
Chips.. I forgot to turn my phone off...
Eg whatever its charging anyways.
After eating he cleaned the table and gave him mom a random hug and walked back upstairs.

Keonhee heard sounds coming out of his room
The game is open yayyy
He opened his door and his eyes widen.
"What the..."
He took a step forward. Keonhee looked around.. He didn't step in his room with his bed, desk and piano.. He stepped on soft grass.
"What happened..." he said to himself.
Suddenly the door closed, Keonhee turned around and saw the door slowly fading away.. "No I wanna go back! Im scared! Mom!! Dad!!" he looked down in panic and tears started building up in his eyes. He wanted to cover his face with his hands when he saw that his hands were a lot bigger than normal
"H-huh?" he was confused
"Why are my hands so big- AAA!!" he was cut off by his own scream when he saw a wolf walking towards him.
"Kssst ksstt" he tried to scare the wolf away. He backed away until his back hits a tree. The wolf was still walking towards Keonhee. Keonhee closed his eyes and put his arms infront on him
"Please don't eat me!".
The wolf froze and started laughing.
Keonhee slowly opened his eyes.
"Hahhhw Don't worry man, I'm not gonna eat you hhhh" The wolf said with a deep voice.
"AAA YOU CAN TALK" Keonhee paniced and fell on his soft buns and pressed his knees against his chest.
"Chill chill no need to be scared man" the wolf said but it didn't help Keonhee.
The wolf sighed.
Keonhee covered his eyes with his big hands.
After a few seconds he felt a hand on his shoulder. Keonhee removed his hands from his eyes and was now looking at a young adult that was wearing a red shirt and black jeans, he had blonde hair.
Keonhee was now really confused
"H-huh were did t-the wolf go" he asked to the man.
He only chuckled
"It's right infront of you but dont worry, Im not gonna harm you"
Keonhee slowly nodded "o-okay,.."
"Come with me, I will explain everything on our way there"
"Okay.." Keonhee said with more trust in his voice.
The man helped him up and smiled
"First let me introduce my self, Im Kim Gunhak but just call me Leedo, I am a werewolf, I can decide when Im gonna transform."
He stook his hand out for Keonhee to shake.
"Umhh I'm Lee Keonhee but just call me Keonhee. I am a human? Umh nice to meat you" keonhee shook his hand and smiled softly.
"Good,, now lets go, shall we?" Leedo said while shaking his hand.
Keonhee nodded and followed as Leedo start walking.
"I'm part of a clan called Oneus, we were with 5 members, until you came" he told while looking forward
"Wha- why" Keonhee asked in confusion.
"It may sound really typical but were the ChOoSeN oNe" Leedo said while looking at his feet
"Hah but why me?..." asked curious. Still he laughed in the inside about how typical that was.
"Well Idk I didnt choose you....... Life did I guess..." Leedo said embarrassed
"Umhh okay..." keonhee said. He looked around to the beautiful trees and flowers.
"Almost every one here can turn into a animal. Only some animals are just normal animals" Leedo said to change the topic a bit.
"Are they all wolfs just like you?" Keonhee asks
Leedo looked at Keonhee
"No, I was the last of my kind"
Keonhee looked back at Leedo.
"Oh okay" Keonhee smiled
"We are here" Leedo said with happiness in his voice. He pointed at a large treehouse with 7 stages
"Whoa.." Keonhee looked amaized at the treehouse.
Leedo chuckled
"Every member of the clan has his own stage and we have a stage with the kichen and the livingroom enz. Thats the one thats the closest to the ground." Leedo explained
"Whoa.." Keonhee said again.
They walked closer and Leedo opened the front door.
"Guest first" Leedo said while holding the door wide open
"Thank you" Keonhee smiled and walked in and looked around. His eyes went big. Everything was made from wood. It looked so cozy.
Leedo walked in and closed the door.
"Let me call yhe rest for ya" Leedo said and he walked to a tube that went all the way up to the top of the tree house.
"Everyone come to the livingroom, our newest member has arived" Leedo said trough the tube.
Not even a minute later, a cat and a mouse came down first.
Keonhee awwed when he saw them.
"Is that him?" the mouse said "he looks like a bunny person.. Is he a bunny?"
"I have no idea lets nust wait for the others, than we can ask questions" the cat said.

Then he saw a squirrel jumping ofbthe stairs. He got followed by a white medium tiger.

"There they all are" Leedo said as he walked towards the rest. He turned in his wolf form again.
"The mouse here is the youngest, He's Dongju"
"Heloo" Dongju said
"Change in yiur human forms, thats a lot easier" Leedo said..the rest transformed.
Leedo walked to the next one
"He is the cat btw, his name is Ravn, he is the oldest" Leedo said. He qas still in his wolf form
"Helloo nice to meat youu" Ravn said
"Heh hello nice to meat you too." keonhee said shy.
Leedo walked to the next one
"He is the squirrel. His name in Seoho."
"Heyyyy" Seoho said while smiling
Then leedo walked to the last one
"Hes the white tiger, because hes not big in human form, he is smaller in tiger form. His name is Hwanwoong"
"Hellloo Im the 'Tallest' member here"
Keonhee smiled. "Nice to meat you all, umh I'm Keonhee and.. Im a human.." he said still shy. Keonhee was very social but he got shy when he needed to talk to somebody sometimes.
"A normal human??" Seoho said amazed.
Keonhee nodded.
Leedo walked to Keonhee.
"Lets make him comfortable here. Dont ask to much okay?"
"Okayy" they said all together.
Keonhee smiled.
"Let me show you your room" Hwangwoon.
"Okay" Keonhee said happy. Then he followed him uo to his room.
His room was the highest one.
"This is your room" Hwangwoon said "You have a bathroom and a small fridge here"
"Whoa.. This is amazing" Keonhee said while looking around.
"Im glad you like it" Hwangwoon smiled. "If you need anything you can just call us trough the tube in the corner in your room" he said while walking to the stairs.
"Okay, thank you Hwangwoon" he said happy as he looked at him.
"No problem" he said when he walked down the stairs


I really hoped you like the first chapter and sorry for all the mistakes. My english is not the best.

Wonderland°·'  Oneus FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora