~ Chapter 4 ~

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We were still fighting against the weird monsters. Most of the monsters were dead or unconscious. There were 4 more left. Leedo set his teeth in a neck a shook his head hard and let go. The monster flew away far into the dark Forrest. Seoho jumped on the 3th one and pulled out a mini knife. He started to write something while holding on tight. He didn't want to turn into a flying squirrel. The monster tried to shake Seoho of, but he didn't succeed.
"Killed by Oneus   ." He muttered and with the dot, he stabbed the neck. The monster fell on the ground lifeless.
"2 more left!" Ravn said as he buried his nails in the legs of the 1 of them.
Dongju was waiting in the bushes. He couldn't anything because he was to small. Hwanwoong bite the last one in the stomach. The monster died.
Ravn scratches the stomach and goes deep into his flesh with his nails.
"Done" Ravn said while trying to breath properly.
"I'll go first" Leedo said as he jumped over the gate. He turned into his human form and opened the gate for the rest.


Hongjoon brought Keonhee to the cell again. The guards were blocking the other ways so they couldn't escape.
The cell door was open so they walked in easily. Hongjoon laid Keonhee down and sat beside him. A guards came in with 2 chains. He chained Hongjoon first to the wall and then Keonhee. When the guard was done he walked away and closed the door.
Keonhee was still crying a bit.
He wanted to go back to the treehouse with Oneus. He wanted to time travel so bad.  He was also very hungry.
His thoughts go interrupted by Hongjoon.
"Are you a human too?" He asks.
Keonhee looked at him.
Keonhee could only nod.
"Are you in a clan too?" Hongjoon said while softly smiling, trying to make Keonhee a bit more comfortable.
Keonhee nodded again.
"I am in a clan too. I'm in the clan called Ateez." Hongjoon said.
"Oneus" Keonhee softly said.
"Hm?" Hongjoon asks.
Keonhee weakly pointed at himself
"Oo your in the clan called Oneus" Hongjoon finally said. "I heard about that clan alot, they are really good in fighting. My clan is far away so it takes long to find me I guess,I've been in this game for a year now, and I'm in this cell for a week.." He told.
"I've    been   here for a   day" Keonhee  said in a weak tone.
"Oh" Hongjoon said with a worried face.
"I.. wanna go home" Keonhee said with is last energy, then he fainted.



We ran into the caste. we faced more monsters, but we finished them faster than we thought. Hwanwoong was running infront of the rest. He used his nose to find the cells. suddenly he felt a heavy weight falling on him. Hwanwoong fel on the ground. ¨Hwanwoong!¨Dongju yelled as he jumped off Leedo. he ran towards them and started to bite in the arm of the monster. The monster stood up. He grabbed Dongju and thew him away. ¨YAH¨ Seoho said as he transformed into his human form and runned to Dongju. Leedo runned to Hwanwoong to help him and the rest started to fight the monster. This monster was alot stronger than the others. He had sharp nails and teeth, he was 2 times bigger than Leedo and he was bald. they were fighting for 5 minutes now. Leedobrought Hwanwoong to the side and joined fighting. Seoho joined too. Ravn was at the back of the monster. the monster didnt know, so Ravn saw the change to bite in his neck. He jumped toward the neck but just when he wanted to bite, the monster turned araound and smashed Ravn into a wall. Then Seoho jumped on his head and stabbed him with his nails. Green blood streamed out of his body. ¨EWW¨Seoho said and jumped off. The monster fell on the ground, unconcious. Oneus saw the change to run so they grabbed Hwanwoong, Xion and Ravn and runned further.


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