1: The First Four

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After being forced to kill over 300 people on the arch the council decides to send four delinquents to the ground still not knowing of it was safe. When the council had a meeting about who to send their first decision was Clarke because Clarke was to be floated in 2 weeks and she had some medical skills he mom Abby had taught her. Their second decision was Raven Reyes because if the radio were to go out they new Raven would be the one to fix it. They chose Bellamy Blake as their third decision because he had strength and he would be able to carry the crates of supplies they would send down with them. Their last decision was Octavia Blake because Bellamy threaten to smash the radio in peices if they didn't send her down with him so he could keep an eye on her.

Weeks later, Clarke was in her solitary confinement room drawing with charcoal on the floor Clarke was never told she could be sent to the ground because she was on solitary. Two guards came to Clarke's room " Prisoner 319 against the was said one of the gairds" Clarke asked what was happening. She was afraid that they were going to float her because she was to be flaoted 3 days ago. She hit one in the back of the knee forceing them to the ground and kicked the other one in the crouch running out of the room. She looked for a way to go but their were gaurds down both halls. Within seconds one gaurds grabbed Clarke's arm restraining her. She struggled for a while then she heard her mom say her name. Her mom running to her hugging her.

Abby whispered into Clarke's ear "Clarke sweetie your not being floated your being sent to the ground." Clarkes eyes widened in confusion

"but mom it's not safe." She whispered her response

"You have to comply or they will gloat you please sweetie this way you have a chance at survival."

Clarke's nodded whipping the tears from her eyes as one of the gaurds pulled her away.

Before they launched the ship they gave all four of the delinquents something that should keep them asleep for most of the ride down.

--- Clarke's POV

About half way down I stared to regain consciousness. Soon after the others did as well. When the others notices what was happening Bellamy started screaming, Raven was excited practically jumping up and down in her seat and Octavia just sat in her seat silent whispering to herself "I am not afraid" Over and over. When we got about half way through the earth's atmosphere Bellamy through up right behind Ravens seat. Raven had to lift he legs off the ground to keep herself from getting vomit on her. When we landed we could see yellow everywhere nothing but yellow. Raven had a worried look on her face. As Bellamy was about to a pen the doors Raven stoped him and yelled "DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR IN YOU WANT ALL OF US TO DIE"

I looked at Raven she was staring at something asked "what do you see Raven" She pointed to an animal it was meling right in front of us we could only faintly see it but it was their. "We are going to have to wait it out it looks like it's some kind of acid fog" I look at he with a face full of worry

Octavia said "and if it doesn't" with a Aditude.

"Then we will die" Bellamy said while Raven was still staring at the animal still melting in front of us.

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