it's complicated.

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SOULMATES...a concept that is very appealing to people in the world, or atleast to the ones who found their fated ones and didn't have to go through the pain of getting rejected. Well, getting rejected by soulmate is not the end of the world, is it?

Which is the worst fate- not seeing your soulmate for your entire life because they died before you could meet them or because they are too far from you or getting rejected by your soulmate because they already fell in love with someone else and already has a family?

So fucking depressing and irritating.

In Jiang Cheng's opinion this whole soulmate thing is bullshit. The world would have been much better without this entire 'soul splitting and getting into two units of life' affair. It only created more heartbroken people than needed. It is not that he is afraid of getting rejected by his soulmate or anything. If his soulmate is the one who is fated for him then that person must be able to put up with his not-so-bad character, right? RIGHT?

Jiang Cheng sighed for the nth time that night, twirling the beer can in his hand, staring at the movie going on, a sappy romantic shit his stupid adopted brother wanted to watch.The said human is sitting right next to him on the couch in their shared flat munching popcorn, making the most irritating noise, annoying the shit out of him.

"what's the matter, dear mei-mei?"

Jiang Cheng curled his fists hearing the endearment. But he wasn't in a mood to beat the crap out of his brother. Peace of mind, that is what he needed at the moment. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the couch without even sparing a glance at the soul next to him.


NOoo. He should have at least glared at the moron, his brother's voice is now filled with concern. Adopted or not, Wuxian is still his brother and the best one at that. Not that he is going to admit it in this lifetime. It's true that they have very different personalities. Wuxian is energetic, annoyingly friendly, and easygoing whereas Jiang Cheng is reserved, short-tempered and grumpy. While Wuxian is known for the goofy smile adorning his face 24/7, Cheng is known for his everlasting frown. But Cheng is the only person other than their dearest Shi-jie who knew that beneath that happy face of his brother there is a soul longing for love. Wuxian loved his siblings dearly and they loved him in their own ways. But he longed for someone to call, his own. On the other hand, Wuxian knew that beneath all those grumpiness Jiang Cheng is a softie. And Cheng absolutely hated that fact.





"is this how you treat your lovely ge-ge, you naughty mei-mei?"


"di-di? a-cheng?? chengcheng??? jiaangg chenngg..JIANG WANYIN"

"WHAT THE HECK,WUXIAN?? SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE FOR A SECOND" Jiang Cheng glared at his brother who crossed his arms across his chest and glared back at him.

"SPILL", Wuxian commanded.

Jiang Cheng let out a long sigh.

"the usual, Wuxian. It's Christmas next week"

"oh! did you.. did you feel the pain again?"

"not yet. i know i'll, soon. i have always felt it, at this time of the year. that's how i know that he is still alive."
( A/N:may be, since he is gay he knows that his soulmate will be a guy🤭😁 roll with it guys!!)

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