Chapter 1

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                                                         "UGH, not again!"

                   Thomas Sanders and his sides were driving across the U.S for a well-deserved break. Unfortunately, the car had been continuosly breaking down. 

                    "This is the third time today, we need to take it to a mechanic!" Virgil grumbled loudly, shoving in earbuds to calm him down. 

                     "I believe this wouldn't have happened if Roman hadn't insisted on blasting the A/C." Logan stated while surveying the damage to the poor vehicle. "IT WAS HOT, OKAY!?" Roman dramatically yelled while fixing his bright red sash. 

                     Thomas listened to the three argue for a while before noticing a sign a couple yards away. Thomas jogged towards it to see it better. After a small jog, he made it. 'Alright' Thomas thought. 'The sign's closer, now what does it say?' (It's a sign up for the- no just me? Okay). The sign read, "0.5 miles to Fanderville." 

             'Weird' thought Thomas, 'I've never seen this here before. And the name sounds familiar...' 

                   Thomas called over the other Sides to discuss their next course of action. "We should head into town! See if there's a local mechanic!" Roman extravagantly boasted while fixing his hair. "No, we should stay put until someone comes, that town might have bad people in it!" Virgil snapped while taking out his earbuds. "Yes, while that is always a possibility, it's our best chance at getting out of this predicament," Logan stated while cleaning his glasses. 

                  "Two to one, then. ON WE GO!!!" Roman started skipping forward, making an annoyed Virgil and tired Logan speedwalk to keep up. Before Thomas went to catch up, he went to the car to check on the other Sides. 

                "Hey Dece- er, Janus, could you watch the other Sides while we go look for help?" Thomas asked, almost forgetting to use Deceit's real name. "Sure, whatever," Janus bluntly told Thomas, not taking his eyes off his book. Thomas then ran to catch up with the others knowing they were in for a long walk...

       335 Words

      Whoo, first chapter done! Hope you enjoyed this first chapter, next one should be up by tomorrow if I'm feeling good. Till then, take it easy, Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! Peace out! <3

                                                                                                              - K

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