Chapter 2

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                After about 45 minutes of walking, (which would of been shorter if Roman wasn't whining the entire time) the Sides and Thomas reached a tall gate. The sign next to it read, "Welcome to Fanderville" with a heart painted next to it in many colors.

       "Hold on," Logan stopped them from walking in. "We should put on our masks before we go in. We are still in a pandemic after all." 

          The other Sides and Thomas agreed and put on their masks, wanting to keep everyone in town safe, unlike SOME people, (*glares at anti-maskers*) Thomas and the sides were considerate of others. 

            They walked in and were greeted with a beautiful scene. The layout of the front street was reminiscent of Disneyland's Main Street, lined with cute, quaint shops of every kind. At the end of the street was a large park, where some people sat watching the birds go by. Another group was drawing in sketchbooks, completely oblivious to the world around them, while a few others painted so beautifully, that it was hard to determine it was a painting. Others sat on benches, discussing ideas or working on amazing cosplays. Music and singing could be heard coming from the theatre, and towering above it all, the Town Hall, in all its glory. 7 flags were flown outside the colossal stone building. (See the picture at the top for the flags.) A group of guys, gals, and non-binary pals were putting up a banner advertising "Fander Prom," and another group was brainstorming design plans for a bigger, better Fanderville.

          The Sides and Thomas were amazed by the street, even Logan smiling in awe. They were snapped out of their thoughts when a voice behind them exclaimed "Hello!" They turned around to see-

294 Words

Sorry I have to leave you on a cliffhanger like that. It was just getting long and I had to cut myself off cause the amount of things I could say about Fanderville is limitless. So, until tomorrow, take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! Peace out! <3

                                                                                                                               - K


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