Chapter 3

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They were snapped out of their thoughts when a voice behind them exclaimed "Hello!" They turned around to see-

                A glasses wearing girl standing a couple feet away. "I presume you're new here, welcome! I'm Nash." Nash smiled brightly before continuing, "Our representatives Sky, Ember, and Ashley, along with Mayor Aleks are out on a business trip. They'll be back later today I believe." Nash paused to take off her glasses and cleaned them while talking, "I'll show you all around, I'm sure you'll find your time here enjoyable!"

               With that, Nash started walking as Thomas and the Sides followed. She pointed out a large building where singing could be heard from. "That's the theatre, we hold plays every month or so, I believe they're practicing right now." 

              Nash continued walking and pointed out a building slightly smaller than the theatre. "This is the crafts store, for any materials you'd need to let your creativity shine!" It was early in the morning, and the store was being unlocked by a girl with a nametag with "Kaitlynn" written on the front. She gave a small wave to Nash, who returned it with a smile.

              Nash finally stopped in front of one of the larger buildings on the street, its size only challenged by the town hall. "And this..." Nash gestured to the colossal structure, "is the Fanderville Library! We store not only all Fander-fiction written, but also cosplays, art, etc." 

             Nash ran up the steps, gesturing for Thomas and the Sides to follow. Roman shrugged and bound up the steps, while Virgil, Logan and Thomas quietly followed as well. Nash opened the doors to the library, and had them all walk in.

281 Words

          This books only been up for a day or two, and already OVER A HUNDRED READS!? Thank you all so much for reading, this is my first time making anything I do public, and I'm glad you all like it so much. So until tomorrow, take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! Peace Out! <3

                                                                                                                             - K

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