Chapter 4

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           The library was much larger than its outward appearance suggested. Rows and rows of books, binders of poems, and cosplays hung neatly on hangers. Thomas and the Sides looked around, not noticing the shady figure staring at them.

            A glasses-wearing girl with her dark-brown medium-length hair tied in a low ponytail wearing earbuds blasting P!ATD watched the group curiously. She had been finishing up the 4th chapter to her newest book while waiting for her friend Cameron when the group walked in. Something was... off to her. She finished up her chapter, and decided to browse some fanfiction to entertain herself. She got up, and looked at the group one last time, and walked to the Logince section, seeing it wasn't as crowded as the Logicality section and the fact that she wanted Logan content.

          "At the moment, the Prinxiety section seems to be the most active and popular," Nash said in a hushed tone. She started walking towards a section labeled "Cosplay" with Thomas and Logan following, while Roman and Virgil followed while awkwardly staring at each other.

          "This is the cosplay section, where we store and preserve all the Fanders' cosplay." A person wearing a blue polo with "Charlie" stitched on was putting away a Logan cosplay, while another person wearing a hat with "Bree" stitched on pulled out a dress from a bag labeled "For Fander Prom."

          "We should head out. We have many more sights to see!" Nash said in an excited but quiet voice. She walked out with the Sides and Thomas, as the mysterious girl from before walked out of the Logince aisle with a book in hand. She sat down and continued to read, before her friend Cameron finally came. She greeted him, and walked with him out of the building. She noticed the group from before walking towards the park, and narrowed her eyes before walking off with her friend. 

318 Words

          On the second day of this being up, it passed 150 reads and 30 votes. I'm glad you all liked this book so much, I enjoy writing it. So, until tomorrow, take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! Peace out! <3

                                                                                                                          - K

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