Cam's Strange Addiction (Oneshot)

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                     Kay sat staring at Cameron. She sighed. "Are you really buying more merch? You've already bought most of the Sanders Sides merch store!" Cameron looked away from his computer. "It's so cool though!" Kay sighed. "This better not become a habit..."

1 WEEK LATER (I'm writing a letter nightly-)

                     Kay stared at Cam's house. 'Well,' she thought, 'This ain't good.' Cam's house was completely covered in merch. Sanders Sides, Disney, you name it, it was there. She put on a gas mask before walking into the house. Having to push past the mountain of shirts in front of the door, she sighed. How did it get to this? It was only one week. She had been called in, seeing as she was a health inspector, to deal with this. 

                     She got past another mountain of socks and saw Cameron sitting in his room on his computer. "CAMERON!" He jumped as Kay yelled his name. She would've face-palmed if she wasn't wearing a gas mask. "I thought I said don't let this go too far." Cameron shrugged. "It's not THAT bad!" Kay looked at them unconvinced. She sighed, and dragged them out of the house, calling in a sanitation crew to collect and repurpose the merch. 

205 Words

I was bored. It's kinda meh :/ Till tomorrow, take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! Peace out! <3

                                                                                                                              - K

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