The Fanderville Socrateam (Oneshot)

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                         The residents of Fanderville gathered at the soccer field for the first game of the Fanderville Socrateam (I'm sorry for the terrible pun) against the Soccer team of the OcQult. (I am on a ROLL with these puns) Sky, the leader of the Fanderville Socrateam, went and shook hands with the leader of the OcQult, before getting into position. The game began, Sky stealing the ball and scoring the first goal.

                         Fanders filled the stands, screaming words of encouragement like "Kick their ass, Sky!" "Show 'em what's for, Cameron!" in stark contrast to the silent and stoic Qultists, who watched the game, observing every move made. In a last-minute miracle, Sky scored a goal, locking in the win. The Fanders leaped up, running down to pick up Sky and the team, while the Qultists clapped politely. They all then proceeded to have big fun (Heathers anyone?) at the Town Hall by throwing a huge party, which led to a big cleanup the next morning. 

164 Words

Wrote this cause I was bored and I like writing on the whim. Till tomorrow, take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! Peace out! <3 

                                                                                                                           - K

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