✨You Do Their Makeup-Losers

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-He will willingly let you, after a bit of begging him to let you do it
-He won't let you do eyeliner though, he's afraid you'll stab him in the eye
-He thinks the lipstick looks cool  and will kiss your cheeks to leave marks
-You guys laugh a lot
-It actually turns out pretty good and he thinks he looks nice lmao

-y'all do each other's makeup all the time! Or at least whenever you two feel like doing it
-You're really good at eyeshadow, and she's really good at eyeliner, so y'all kinda work together on the eyes
-You guys' makeup turns out really good most of the time, unless y'all make it look weird on purpose lmaoo

-Is kinda confused as to why you want to do his, but he'll let you
-He'll let you do anything, unless he's really nervous about whatever product it is
-He picks out the colors of stuff he wants you to use
-It turns out really well, and he thinks you're really good at it :)

-is literally all for it
-he'll let you do whatever
-he lets you pick colors that you think will look good on him
-Honestly it doesn't turn out 100% perfect, but that's only cause he refuses to stay still and quit talking
-He thinks it looks really cool, and dances around/walks around funny to make you laugh
-After that, he chases you around the house with lipstick cause he wants to make you look funny

-absolutely refuses
-you convince/beg him to let you, and he finally agrees, but he's a little annoyed about it
-Since you feel bad about annoying him, you let him pick what products he'll let you use and what colors to use
-He stays perfectly still and just lets you do your thing
-he ends up liking it, but he'd never admit that to anyone lmao

-He doesn't really care, he'll let you do it
-he picks a bunch of crazy colors just to see if you can make it look good
-you actually do, and he's kinda surprised
-he stays still and let's you do anything, except for lipstick
-He ends up actually thinking it's pretty cool, and then he wants to try and do yours

-is kinda confused as to why you want to do his instead of your own, but he's like "ehh what the heck"
-He lets you do whatever, he doesn't interfere, unless he's asking what something is
-He loves how happy you are just by doing his makeup lmao
-He ends up liking it & wants to do yours too
-he comes up with an idea to dress up as each other (like with clothes and stuff)

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