The end it's just a start of a new beginning prologue two

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As the door creeks open slowly, The noise that could be heard, would shock everyone in the house........................................................................................................................................................................." WHAT THE H" yelled Jackson, Now you see the reason that Jackson yelled was all because of one little factor, that he didn't Think would happen. You see the whole time Jackson was walking up to the room, more pacifically his older brothers room he thought his brother would be asleep in bed, but he was sadly wrong. For his brother was not there at all.
We will just have to skip a few minutes before Jackson came to his older brother room.

Time skip ( my very first time skip, or would technically be in the past, so what would that be called, can y'all tell me )

No one's point of view

In side a room on the 2nd floor of the of the orphanage, at the end of a hall is Aspen Prescott room, inside the room is two shelves, on the right side of the wall, a bed in the corner left on the right side facing the wall is the desk, on the left side of the wall is a big drawer, and besides that is a full length mirror, on the floor sat A dark blue rug and on the wall in between his desk and bed, sat a window with the Wall caved in in a little area where he can sit and look outside, in the little area had 2 blue pillows, and a fuzzy blanket in the middle, but were is are main character you mite be asking you're self right now, well let's find out.

Aspen point of view

In the Forest on the side of the orphanage, in a tall tree, where the orphanage can barely be seen, sat the main character thinking about his life.

Aspens thoughts ' I wonder what will happen after I'm 16, will I still be the same me, will I still have a hard time at school or will this year be calming for once,No that's never gonna happen,I hope my life will change after I turn 16, is it bad that I just want to stay 15 forever, maybe I'm just being selfish, but I don't want to grow up, I don't want to go to high school I really don't.'as aspen sat On a high lim up in the tall tree as his left arm rested on his left leg, while his right elbow was on his right leg and chin in his right palm, as his hair was pulled back in a lazy downwards ponytail.

With all the thoughts going through aspen head he didn't pay attention to the time, or what was about to happen.
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................" WHAT THE H " as this was yelled aspen jumped up scared that all of a sudden this was yelled, Aspen said not knowing what to do " what in the world was that about "
all he could hear next was " WERE THE HECK ARE YOU ASPEN " said by Jackson, That Aspen Guest by the mighty yell, and considering the fact of Jackson is the only one that yelled like that.
" why is Jackson so upset, and yelling about me"
Said Aspen what are poor Aspen did not put into play was that today was an exciting day for all.
"..................................................................................................................................................................................CRAP TO DAY WE GO TO THE CARNIVAL"
Was yelled by are main protagonists, as Aspen scale down the tall tree, all that could be heard and seen by him was the blowing wind and leaves falling, the birds chirping, the grasshoppers doing whatever the heck they do ( I don't know, this is the best that I could come up with ok, ok good )
As Aspen has finally gotten down to the last limb of the tree, With all that he could muster he took a mighty jump, off the last limb.

As he was falling down at a great height( about five feet in the air) and landed on his feet with a big thump. Aspen quickly got up, grab his shoes that are right by the tree , as quick as possible put them on and started to run back to the church, not knowing that that would be his final and maybe his last time seeing that great big tree, that he had come to admire.

With all that laid before him right before he got home, past trees, broken tree limbs, small puddles, rocks, and animals along the way as he jumped and ran and trying to dodge, all that he could he was only halfway there.

( I had for got to say this up top but Aspen is wearing a black tank top, for boys, and long red Sports shorts, and a black hair tie ( PS the clothes are just really big on him) and black socks and his black tennis shoes )

As he was seeing the orphanage insight all that he could think was ' god please help me today '

I'm so sorry that I have not updated, so there you go, I've just been stressed down these last few weeks, and I'm sorry I'll try and update again tomorrow or maybe the next day, Saturday or Sunday I will update, I might even update the day of my birthday on Monday, yes it's my birthday I really just wanted to put this down so that when I look back at this I can see that I wrote this a few days before my birthday, I'm not really writing this for y'all I'm just writing this for me because I thought it be a good reminder that when I read it later on, that I can look back and say oh I will there's a few days before my birthday, I know y'all really won't care but I thought this would be good for me to be able to remember, I'm really just babbling at this point but I thought I would try and update right now when I had time And I'm glad that some of you have been reading this book, thank you all for that and see you next so


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