1-Coming Out

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Alexander Lightwood knew that he would be disowned the second he tells his parents he is gay. But he couldn't hide it anymore. He wanted to be proud of himself and not feel worthless ,like he doesn't belong here. He wanted to belong somewhere.

So on his 17th birthday he made a decision. He was going to save his monthly allowances (which was quite huge as the Lightwoods were quite wealthy) for a year and he will make sure to get his inheritance once he was 18. After that he was going to make a new account for himself and transfer his money there so his parents didnt have a hold on his finances. After everything he was going to go search for an apartment and then and only then will he tell his parents the truth. He didn't want to be thrown out and not have a clue as to what he would do and where he would go.

He had it all planned out and he had told his little sister Izzy about his plan. She wasn't happy about his plan but she understood. She helped him sneak out to go apartment searching once he was 18. It wasn't his parents that posed a problem to that as they barely cared where he was going or what he was doing as long as he is back for dinner and he doesn't do something illegal, it was his brothers: Jace who was Izzy's age making him a year younger than him and Max who was only nine years. Alec loved his brothers with all that he was but he didn't want to inform them about his plan. They would force him to not do it and stay instead and Alec knew he wouldn't be able to rationalise with them. He also knew that if they forced him enough then he would cave and stay there hiding his real self for all his life. He would miss his siblings like anything, especially Max as Izzy and Jace could come and visit him if they wanted to, but he had to do it for himself.He would give Izzy his address before going out.

Soon everything was done and it was finally time to tell his parents. He had shifted most of his things (as much as possible without attracting the attention of his brothers) with Izzy's help while his parents and Max had gone on a trip somewhere last month and Jace was spending his days with his girlfriend Clary. He had graduated school a few weeks ago so he could start looking for a job immediately after it was all done.

It was a Friday night and the family was having dinner and like every other normal day. Jace was talking about his football practices, Max was eagerly telling them about his day at school and Izzy was talking about her cheerleading practice and discreetly throwing supportive glances at him. His parents were listening to them with little interest and didn't even look at Alec for once. It was absolutely normal but there was a terrible knot in Alec's stomach which was caused by what he was about to do. He had imagined their reaction a hundred times in various different ways, none of them actually being good as he refused to give himself false hope, but he dreaded his decision in the here and now. Izzy seeing the question in his eyes gave him an encouraging look. He got little courage from that but it was all he needed.

"Mom, Dad I need to tell you something."

Suddenly all eyes were on him. He never really spoke at dinner unless spoken to. Even then he answered in as little words as possible so this was highly unexpected of him. Everyone at the table but Max who had turned his attention to his food a while ago, looked at him with curious and surprised gazes while Izzy kept a supportive look on her face and encouraged him to speak. Alec doubted if he could speak the words without her, he was never more grateful for his little sister than he was then. She always supported him through everything and he knew that even if his whole family disowned him, his sister would be there by his side supporting him through everything. His heart warmed up at the thought of his sister's support and he finally spoke up, loud and proud with his head held high as his sister had taught him to be ever since she got to know how his sexuality was eating him up.

"I'm gay."

And as expected chaos ensued around him. His parents stood up in a flash, rage and disappointment clearly printed on their faces. Jace's shocked expression lasted for a second before it turned into a smile and then it finally set in a terrified expression as he noticed his parents.

It was Maryse who first spoke up, " No son of mine will be gay. I'll find you a nice girlfriend who'll help you get over this stupid phase of yours."

"It's not a phase mom. I am gay and I'll never have a girlfriend. Damn it! I don't feel any attraction to any girl how the hell am I supposed to date one!" Despite his strong words Alec felt devastated inside. He knew that this would happen but it still hurt to hear and see it all play out in front of him, to see it happening in reality and not in his imagination. But he didn't let his face or posture show his true emotions, he still had a confident posture and had his head held high trying desperately to make himself believe that this was the right choice.

"You either get over this and date a girl or get out of this house. You won't be dating a boy under this roof." His father just stood there by Maryse's side. Robert didn't speak a word, the initial rage gone from his face and only disappointment shone through it.

Alec glanced at his father once and then his siblings. Jace still had the same terrified expression on his face, Max was on the verge of tears at the thought of Alec going away and Izzy still had the supportive look in her eyes but Alec could see through her walls quite easily and he knew that she was also sad at the thought of him going away even though she knew this was going to happen and also knew where he'll be once he gets out of here. It broke his heart seeing their expression and for a moment he reconsidered his decision but he quickly put those doubts aside. He needed to do this.

"I'll leave then." His voice was confident but his heart shattered even more as he saw how Max broke into an ugly sob and ran upto him and Jace just stood there trying to hide his own tears. Even Izzy had a sad look to her face and Alec understood how much she hoped for things to be different but he also knew that she didn't want him to be the difference but his parents.

Alec picked a sobbing Max up who was begging him to stay and tried to soothe him with pats on his back as best as he could. He couldn't find words to explain his nine year old brother why he had to go.

After a minute his mother took Max away from him. "Go away then. We don't need you."

"But we do!" All of his siblings spoke in unison and Alec's heart broke a little more if that was even possible by then. He loved his siblings more than anything but he needed to do this for himself. He needed to go as fast as possible. He couldn't stall and keep looking his siblings. He would break and change his mind if he stayed for another minute.

So muttering a soft and sad 'sorry' to his siblings he turned on his heel and walked out of the house not bothering to keep his head held high as he had hoped to. The look on his siblings face was too much for him and he couldn't keep up the facade anymore.

He broke down the second he closed the door behind him and started walking towards his apartment. His new home.

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