Chapter Four

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Neil is always outgoing, especially in a school such as our own, but I never thought about how outgoing he'd be when surrounded by outgoing people. That must be why he's so close to Charlie, who is honestly more outgoing than anyone I've ever met. The kind who fears nothing and reaches too far for their own good. Neil isn't a fool, for the most part, like Charlie is. He knows when to quit and where to begin.

When we arrived to the auditorium, Neil literally danced his way down the isle, with me definitely tripping and falling behind. I think I was in shock at first, but I get it much more now. This is the most Neil thing Neil has ever done. And this is the most Neil I've seen of him yet. Honestly, it has to be refreshing. Being able to be yourself without the pressure of society's standards.

I've only seen one play before, and that was when my brother's girlfriend performed in one years ago. But I've definitely never been to a rehearsal. The atmosphere is chaotic. Good, but wild. With everyone bunched up at the front of the stage. Most everyone has a bag of goodies, including Neil, who places it down in what is probably "his spot."

Water bottles and scripts litter the floor and laughter is never ending. And now I see why he likes it. No parents, no one telling him what he can or cannot be. No adults telling him his dreams are silly and pointless. Instead these people are supportive and loving, encouraging him to push farther than he just had. And it's refreshing, it really is.

Neil has yet to introduce me, which is honestly fine. I'd rather sit back and take it all in. I've never been one who craves apart of the action. Though now Neil is looking my way from a few steps ahead of me. He motions me towards a group of kids our age and I'm terrified. Still, I go to him.

"This right here," he walks closer, arm wrapping around one side of my waist in a close side hug. His head leans into mine, and for some reason I'm leaning back. "Is Todd Anderson!"

Everyone seems to understand immediately as they hold out their hands. I hold mine out as well, without pulling away, because I'll let Neil do that. Yet he doesn't. He stays planted with my head on his shoulder. Until he doesn't, which I try not to frown about.

"It's great to finally meet you. Neil has gone on and on about you." It's a boy dressed in a tee shirt and grey sweats.

"Neil's right, you are cute." A girl with red hair smiles, both arms crossed.

"He is." Neil speaks from next to me. Then he kisses my cheek, and I don't know what to do. So I just freeze.

"Neil!" There's a call from several feet away. But then a girl comes rushing in with half a costume on.

"Randy!" Neil smiles back, but I can tell he doesn't mean it.

Randy is the other lead, who he says is not good at all. I can't judge, considering my skills. And it's not as if I've really seen her act.

Actually, scratch that. Randy is lame. Totally mental, actually.

The girl is leaning into Neil like her life depends on it, and I wonder what this might mean. "Your costume is in the back. We start soon so you should get dressed."

Neil nods, stepping away from her and heading in the direction of where she'd just come from. But he stops before getting too far and whips back around, jogging slightly to us. "I'll be right back. Don't let them scare you."

"Isn't he so fine? And he's so brill on stage. We're the perfect pair, wouldn't you say?" Randy doesn't even look my way while she speaks. So I don't respond.

"I'm George!" That same guy as before is introducing himself at last.

"I'm Liz."

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