Me, Myself, and I

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Dewey stared at his Dew- pelganger. He examined the identical duckling. Well, almost identical. The other duck's hair was flopped down and his sleeves were longer. Dewey and the other circled each other confused. An idea shot into Dewey's head. "Are you my missing brother, Phoey!?" he asked. The other duckling shook his head confused. "I don't think so. How are there two of me?" the second Dewey wondered. He waltzed in a circle. "Okay, I'll be Dewey, and you can be Dewey 2 because I'm the original one and only. Well, I guess not one and only anymore," Dewey said. Dewey 2 opened his mouth to comment, but decided against it.

Instead, Dewey 2 started hyperventilating. "Uh, are you okay?" Dewey asked. "No! There are two of me! I'm hallucinating! I've snapped! Huey probably killed me!" Dewey 2 freaked. Dewey tried to calm his twin. "Hey, calm down. It's alright, you're not hallucinating. Besides, if anyone were to get us killed, it'd be Louie," Dewey said. Dewey 2 made a confused face, then asked, "Well, if I'm not going insane, why are there two of me, ur, us?" he wondered. Dewey shrugged. "I don't know. Hey, but now that there's two of me, I can finally have a stunt double! Yeah! Prepare yourself internet, for the best episode of Dewey Dew-night ever!" Dewey said.

"No, I don't do stunts," Dewey 2 said. "And that's besides the point! Why are there two of us?" he went on.


"Where's Dewey and what is that cake hiding!" Webby demanded. She pinned down the duck working at the bakery. "I ain't scared of a little girl!" he said. She held his arm behind his back and twisted it. He yelped. "I said, where's Dewey!" Webby shouted. He grumbled under her foot. "Still not talking? Let's start easy. What's your name?" she said. He was quiet. She twisted his arm further. "Alright! Alright, it's Jim," he answered. "Last name?" she said. "Starling." "Jim Starling? I feel like I've heard that name before..." She drifted off in thought. Then she turned back to him. "Hi, I'm Webby," she said. He growled at her. "What are you? The good cop or the bad cop?" he said, referring to her friendly greeting.

"What's up with the cake?" she asked. "What, it's a cake. What more do you want?" he said smugly. "If that were true, Dewey would be here. What is it really?" Webby questioned. She stepped on his foot, determined to make him talk. "Fine, you want to know what it really is?" "Yes, that's why I've been asking," she said innocently. "It's a portal." She contained her excitement for adventure and forced a mean look. "Portal to where?" Containing her excitement proved harder than she thought. "Does it go to a different place on earth? Like Rome? Ooh! Or maybe Canada! They have sword whales there, you know, narwhals! What about another land? Is it cursed, like the links of Moorshire? Or the underworld?" she berated him with questions.

Jim internally grinned that she was getting off topic. While she was distracted, he pushed her off of him. She fell onto her back and he stood up. He twisted his beak into a crooked smile. "Interrogation's over little girl," he said. She quickly got back to her feet. She swung her foot for him. This time, he dodged her and grabbed her leg. He held her upside down. She swung up on his shoulders and began attacking him. She threw his fist at his face and hit. She did a backflip off of him and stood in a ready stance.

He rubbed his jaw, then turned his attention back to her. "You little brat!" he shouted. He ran for her. She jumped out of the way. He attempted to kick her legs out from under her but Webby leaped up. When she landed back on the ground, she regained her posture. "You know, Jim, you should really fix your fighting stance. With movements like that, you'll break a bone," Webby reprimanded. She put a finger to her beak thoughtfully. "I'm sure I've heard of you somewhere," she thought out loud.

Out of anger, Jim socked Webby in the gut. She fell back with the wind knocked out of her. When she could breathe again, she lunged at him. Jim caught her midair and held her tight to her chest. She struggled against him, but he was too strong. He threw a rag over her mouth. She fought back harder but felt her body getting weaker. Her vision grew fuzzy. Webby strained to stay conscious, but with each second, she felt her eyes drooping more and more. One last weak kick, and she passed out from the drugged rag. Jim smiled cruelly. "Nighty night, little girl..."

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