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Monse POV:

"Monse it's your turn to choose what movie to watch!!" One of my roommates Alexa calls out from the main living room of our dorm.

"I'm coming!" I shout from the kitchen. I bring Twizzlers and chips and flop myself onto the couch.

"where are the others?" I ask Alexa.

"They needed to go to sleep early, they have a quiz and an essay to write tomorrow" Alexa exclaims. She slowly grasps onto the bag of chips and opens it loudly. Her freckled white skinned hand tucking her red hair behind her ear. I grin. Alexa and "the others" I was mentioning; Sarah and Kenzie have been my day ones ever since I moved to May-field. They know about Cesar and all my past drama. I sigh.

"Thinking about them again?" Alexa asks. She knows me too well. I nod. Its been three years since I've seen them. Last I heard Jamal was on the football team and Jasmine and Ruby have been together three years. The gang refuses to tell me anything about Cesar, so I have kind of lost interest overtime, and they did too. I haven't physically seen them for three years. My dad and I haven't been able to afford a plane ride there and back and we've all just been too busy.

"Hello?? Monse? Earth to Monse?" Alexa waves her hand in front of my face. I snap out of my memories and grab a twizzler.

"Sorry" I say while taking a bite.

"so what movie are we watching tonight?" Alexa asks.

"How about...the notebook"



"you must really miss Cesar"


Alexa grabs the remote and starts to play the movie. I quickly look at the picture frame Jasmine gave to me and vividly remember when I left..


I put my bags in the trunk and out of the corner of my eye, watch as Jamal, Ruby, Jasmine, and Cesar walk towards the car. I walk towards them.

"You know those girls probably all have doo-doo probably all have to share the same doo-doo outfits" Jasmine exclaims while grasping onto a picture frame.

"No, we don't have uniforms" I say while smiling.

"oh no, so you're on your own?? Care packages fourth coming okay? I'm going to send you some clothes. Ima bling out your thing" Tears start to escape Jasmine's eyes.

"Oh, dont cry!" I say

"Girl why'd you have to call it out! God damn it its coming! Its coming..Its here" I hold my arms out for a hug but she turns around and heads behind Ruby and Jamal. I laugh.

"oh, and just so you know since you're gonna be with all girls, scissoring really isn't a thing." Jasmine says confidently.

"But if it is-send pictures" Ruby says with puppy dog eyes.

"o-on the group chat please" Jamal cuts in. We all start to smile. Jamal looks down and holds up a pink and navy blue bag.

"Its an East Coast hoity-toity girl school go bag" he says, proud of his creation. He hands the bag to me.

"We packed it together" Ruby chimed in.

"aww" I say

"It has an eye mask" Ruby continues

"Boat shoes" Jamal joins in.

"Earrings of RBG's dissent colour"

"an ascot"

"opera glasses"

"a muzzle"

I gasp and then grin.

"for your roommate, she might be annoying" Jamal says.

Jasmine chims in, handing me the picture frame she was grasping earlier.

"This didn't fit the bag, but it was made with a lot of love,...and glue" she exclaimed

"I love this!" I look at the picture. "Thank you. I'm gonna keep it by my bed in prime viewing position, where I can always see it."

Cesar finally talks.

"oh and uh one last thing that didn't come in the bag" he says grinning mischievously. He walks towards me. He cups his hands on my face and pulls me in for a kiss, its soft and loving. He pulls away. I kiss him back and get butterflies in my stomach.


"well that was a great movie that we definitely haven't seen oh i don't know.. one hundred times" Alexa says rolling her eyes at me.

"uh..yea" I say realizing I zoned out the entire time. I look at the picture frame again. Its shoved to the back of the dresser, and it's covered in dust. I check the time. 11:30 pm, Thursday June 15th. I couldn't believe I had one more day before high school finished...forever.

"I'm going to bed" Alexa and I say at the same time. We giggle as we walk into our bedrooms.

"Goodnight!" we say. That night I barely slept. I missed my friends dearly. I miss jasmine's bubbliness, I miss Jamal's crazy, Ruby's support and Cesar's...everything. I look at my phone before going to bed, contemplating whether I should text the group chat.

Then, I get a call.

I see Jasmine's contact pop up on my phone as my phone starts buzzing. I smile. She must've been thinking about me too...I answer it"Hey!" i exclaim.




"jasmine?? whats wrong?"

"Its Cesar..."

"Cesar?! What about Cesar?? Did he get a girlfriend??"

"no.. monse he never got over you.."


"He-he's in the hospital" "


"oh boy.."

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