Mommy issues

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Monse POV:
I handed him my moms book and pointed to the note. I followed his eyes as he read the note my mom left for me. He gasped and hugged me again.
"Angel, buddy can you go to your room for a sec?"
"Okay uncle Cesar!"
"Monse, oh my god, I- how is this possible..she died?!"
"I know Cesar but- I think she's in trouble and I-I want to find her."
"You know i love you monse, but after all she put you through? Are you sure?"
"Let's go tell everyone"
"They already know" Cesar looks at me with disbelief.
"Monse. When did you find this out?"
"This morning...before you called me.."
I gulp in fear. I lightly touch Cesar shoulder reminding for him to calm down.
"I didn't want you to- to think about your mom" I say with a tear running down my face.
"You don't need to protect me from my own emotions, monse" he says sitting back in his bed. I copy him and sit on his bed beside him.
"I love you. And I hate to see you hurt" I look into his eyes. I lean in and kiss him softly. He kisses back more intensely. I open my mouth inviting more of him as he does the same. I tangle my hands up into his hair and carefully sit on his lap. He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer. Before anything got to- heated, my phone interrupted us. Cesar kept kissing me but I lightly pulled away, not wanting it to stop but knowing that the phone call was important. I got off his lap and picked up my phone only to see jasmines contact.
"Hey jas, whats up?"
"Jamal and ruby are here. They know everything"
"Great, I told cesar too. We can meet you at your place. Wait shit Cesar can't leave the house, mind coming over here?"
"Yeah for sure girl I see you in 20"
I hang up and look back at Cesar. His eyes still filled with selfishness and wanting. We both know what the other one wants.
"We have 20 minutes.." I whisper in his ear and brush past him.
"There's a lot we can do in 20 minutes.." he quickly stands up to grab my waist. I turn to face him.
"You forgot about angel"
"Ugh fuck youre right. Let's go find him"
After we found angel, we played with him together before the gang came. It almost felt like Cesar and I, parenting together was meant to me. I never knew I could smile this much in 20 minutes. Then, the doorbell rang. Angel quickly stood up and ran to the door, leaving Cesar and I to follow him.
"ILL GET IT" he yelled.
"WAIT FOR US! YOU MONKEY!" I exclaimed at angel, practically running to catch him. Angel has reached the door and opened it.
"heyyyy" jasmine said nicely. She high fives angel before coming inside, then followed ruby and Jamal. The three of them looked at me and smiled and ran in to hug me.
"We will find her, monse" Jamal says and pulls away.
"I hope we do" I say with tears starting to form. Cesar slowly hugs me from behind as I smile.
"Let's get this investigation going" ruby smirks.
After multiple hours of copious brainstorming, we came up with the idea to go over to Brentwood and talk to Brian and the twins, they might have some information about how Julia supposedly killed herself. We decide to reconvene at oscars tomorrow at 10 am, since it was getting to be 4pm- which is when Oscar comes home. After Cesar and I say bye to everyone I give him a quick peck on the lips and smile. He didn't look so pleased.
"What's up Cesar?" I ask cautiously.
"Sorry I just- I'm still on edge about everything going on...everything is a mess. I still have no idea who the new cuchillous is and if she knows who I am and where I am, I can't stay here forever. I want to live with you, and of course the gang."
"Oh my god Cesar I'm so sorry...I know how hard this must be for you, do you want to talk about it?"
"I'd love that" he says with a faded smile. After Oscar came back and fed us dinner, Cesar and I went outside to look at the stars as we talked our problems away. I soon realized we had two big issues that needed solving.
1. Find my mom. 
2. Figure out who the new cuchillous is and figure out how to make sure cesar is safe.

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