Notes and papers

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Monse POV:

The next day, I wake up and check my phone. 5 am? I groan knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep. I search my room trying to find something to do, and I come across my shoe box with my mother's belongings, it had my old teddy bear, old pictures of her and her book she gave me after..she died. I never read it because I didn't want to miss her or feel sorry for her or feel guilty. I sigh. I take out the book from the box and wipe the dust off of it. I slowly start reading, flipping through the pages quicker and quicker. My mom might've been bad at being a mom- but she was a damn good writer. I smiled, and cried. After I finished the book (which only surprisingly took an hour) I flipped to the last page. There was a note, obviously written in Julia's hand writing. I grazed my hand over the writing before reading it;

"Dear Monse, there hasn't been one day where I haven't missed you dearly. After you sent me your letter, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I know you think I'm gone, but I'm closer than you think. I hope to see you soon darling"

My eyes that are now filled with tears read her note over and over again. Is this some sort of sick joke? I dont understand what it would she see me again? She- killed herself.... My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing. It is now 7 am, Cesar has woken up and has decided to call me, probably to say good morning.

"hey mon how'd you sleep?"

"I- um not great I've been up for a while"

"Mhmm....I missed you in my arms too, so I was thinking we could hang out? Maybe get a milkshake...go back to my room and-"

"Cesar I- I"
I look down at Julia's note as I quietly wimpier. I can't tell cesar about this, knowing about his mom.
"Cesar I'm actually going to hang out with jas today since we haven't seen each other in ages if that's..okay?"

"Of course monse, I wish I could see your beautiful face though, I miss you"

"I miss you too I promise I'll stop by later k?"

"Alright, see you later gorgeous"

I let out a breath as a I text jasmine. She's the only one I could trust with this. I quickly text her asking if I can come over she agrees and I speed walk over to her house, book in hand.
"So you're telling me... she left you this? That's it?" Jasmine exclaimed.
"Yeah. I have no idea why or what it means"
"Monse" jasmine looks in my eyes with sympathy.
"Do you want to find her?"
"I- yeah, there's not a day where I don't think about her" I say sadly with tears starting to stream down my face.
"Then let the investigation begin" jasmine smirks. "Let us call the boys?" She asks.
I nod reluctantly.
"I should go tell Cesar in person, he doesn't do well over the phone".
"Sounds good, Jamal ruby and I will start to brainstorm ideas"
"Thank you for this jas, I don't know what I'd do without you". Then jasmine hugs me tightly and I rest my chin on her shoulder. I quickly pull away and start to walk to cesars house.
Cesar's POV:
After I hang up with monse, I can't seem to keep my mind off her. She seemed so distant and sad over the phone but I didn't want to point anything out.
"Hey hermano" Oscar says peaking his head through the door.
"Hey" I said looking at the floor.
"What's up baby bro?" Oscar sat on the bed beside me, looking at me with curiosity.
"It's monse, I think something's up with her"
"Oh yeah? Why?"
"She just seemed distant over the phone"
"I know how to get you out of this funk" Oscar says smirking.
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"Babysitting!" Oscar exclaimed. I sigh in disappointment.
"Want me to babysit your boy?" I ask.
"Yeah, Lina and i need a quick get away, it'll only be for a couple hours"
"Well since I have no plans.. I guess I can watch angel"
"Thank you Mano!" I'll see you at 4?"
"Yeah for sure" I say while sighing. Great.
"CESARERRRR" angel yells from across the house. Lord have mercy.
Monse POV
I swiftly get a Lyft and drive to oscars house. Even thinking about Cesar gives me butterflies. I close my eyes and remember last night, god we fit perfectly together. I remember the first time I told him I liked him, I close my eyes and see my vivid past come to life...

"Hey Cesar can I talk to you?" I asked quietly. We were at a high school party watching from afar. I was wearing the only dress I owned with my hair freely down.
"Yeah for sure, let's go find somewhere private?" He asked suspiciously. He was so hot. It gave me shivers everytime he spoke. We walked into a bedroom and both sat down next to each other.
"Cesar I- I don't want us to ruin what we have" i say looking in his eyes. He gives me a confused look but gestures for me to keep speaking.
"Cesar I'm in love with you and have been ever since- well ever since we were little kids" Cesar smiles from ear to ear. He leans in and pushes his lips against mine. I was so shocked I forgot to kiss back. After what seemed like forever, he pulled away.
"Monse, I feel the same"
"We are here" the driver said quickly pulling me away from my day dream. I went out of the car and walked up to oscars house. It still shocks me that Oscar was able to afford this. In some ways- I was super proud of him. I knock on the door but don't hear anyone coming to answer it.
"Hello???" I say annoyingly. I suddenly hear loud footsteps and Cesar laughing. I harden up with jealous rage as I slam open the door and stomp to his room only to find-
"Oh hey angel" I take a let out a breath, it was quite cute seeing Cesar play with a kid. I wonder if someday he'll play with ours..
"Monse? Hey babe!" Cesar exclaimed while putting down the toy truck he was playing with and came up to hug me.
"What's up?" He asks pulling away from the hug. I sigh.
"There's something I need to tell you." I look into his eyes. Cesar looks frightened. Here goes nothing...

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