Home pt. 2

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After I hung up the phone with Jasmine,still trying to process all she said to me. Cesar? Head of the Santos? No longer friends with each other? I pack my things while my mind is racing and leave a note for my roommates, who are thankfully, fast asleep. I get dressed into a blue crop top and high rise denim shorts. I slip on my converse and quickly put my hair into a messy bun- Cesar's favorite hairstyle and then leave my dorm.

"Goodbye forever.." I whisper. Then I meet my dad by the school.

"Monse...I'm so sorry" He hugs me as I get in the car. I try to hold back tears.

"dont say that dad...He could still be alive" I say looking ahead of us.

"L-lets just go" I say.

Then we drive all the way from May-field to Free-ridge hospital. After a long 10 hour drive, with no sleep and no stops, we reach the hospital.

"Do you want me to come in with you baby?" My dad asks while i'm quickly putting on some makeup.

"no, i'm good thanks dad." I put my makeup away and get out of the car and shut the door. I sprint to the entrance.

"how can I help you?" the Secretary asks.

"Cesar...Cesar Diaz.." I say breathlessly.

"Room 401..may I ask what business you have with him?"

"Im-im his girlfriend, Monse Finnie"

The secretary grins as I run up the stars. After I finally find room 401, I open the door with my eyes wide. I see Cesar, sleeping in the hospital bed with the hospital gown. God.. he glew up... I think. I shake my head. I look to the side and see Jamal, Jasmine and Ruby. I gasp and run into their arms.

"MONSE!!" they all shout.

"damn you really....blossomed" Jamal says eyeing my outfit.

"YOU'RE USING THE CARE PACKAGED CLOTHES I SENT YOU!!" Jasmine screams and hugs me again.

I start to cry, god i missed them so much.

"I missed you guys so much..." I muster to say. "I'm so sorry it took this long to see you guys..". Ruby now stands a foot taller than me and Jasmine, but still way shorter than Jamal. Jamal grew out his hair and has his ears pierced and a chain around his neck-not to mention the bulging muscles. Jasmine looks the same but her hair is frizzy and curled, making her look more mature.

"hey..its okay..." Ruby whispers to me as we all hug again.

"i-i-is he okay?" I ask while looking at Cesar.

"He woke up and talked to us before falling asleep again." Jamal informs me.

"Did you call Oscar?" I ask. I knew about Cesar's anger towards Oscar, but I think Oscar deserves to know.

Jamal quickly dials a number and steps out of the room. I sigh with relief.

"m-m-monse?" A quiet and faint voice asks. I knew who it was right away. I turn around and face Cesar, looking up at me with his big brown eyes. I notice his tattoos and shaved head but I don't care. He's hot. He's vulnerable. He's always going to be mine.

"Its been too long, Cesar Diaz" I smirk sadly as Jasmine and Ruby get the hint and leave the room.

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