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Cesars POV:
June 15, 9pm.

"Let's get em boys" I say while pointing at the newbie.

I punch him in the jaw. The newbie flies to the ground. I smirk. I've gotten stronger ever since I took over the santos. Its been 2 and a half years since Oscar left town. I haven't talked to him since. He left me. He left all my opportunity. He left his only family. I clench my fists and kick the newbie. The newbie curls up in a ball while the four other gang members attack him.

"Stop" I say.

"Congratulations, welcome to the Santos." I smirk. I get my burner phone out and call the "new" cuchiollos.

"We've recruited 10 more this week" I say while tracing my tattoos with my finger.

"Good job Lil spooky" She says sneakily. I can sense the four other Santos coming behind me.

"Its been three years.." Cuchiollos continues "You have grown stronger..but a birdie told me that you want MY power" she exclaims. I knew exactly what was coming. Shit.

"I would never!" I say. The truth is, I was. I thought after three years of obeying she would give me more power to stop all this madness, but I was wrong. I thought I had all the Santos on board...I was wrong.

"tsk..tsk.. liars get- well you know what happens to liars and traitors..." She says and then hangs up.

I can sense the four men getting closer. I try to run into the next alley way. Shit. Dead end. The four men slowly walk towards me, with knives in their hands. I punch one in the face and try to run. The other three stop me in my tracks and they each stab me, three times in the stomach.

*police sirens*
"SHIT!" one of them says. They all run away leaving me bleeding, and on the ground. I breathe heavily and close my eyes. I'm reminded of my favorite memory...


'Shut up and dance with me" I say to Monse. She's wearing a purple dress with sparkles and gems on her torso. Her hair was straitened and pulled back. It matches Olivia's quince theme perfectly. I look her up and down. She's gorgeous.

*The song "electric" by Alina and Khalid starts to play*

I grab her waist and she grabs my hand, we dance closely. She looks into my eyes.

"I'm done hiding Cesar.." She says. I look into her beautiful and full brown eyes.

"then don't" I say back, practically whispering.

She leans towards me and kisses me. Softly and full of passion. I grab her waist and bring her closer to me as I relish the kiss. She puts her arms around my neck as we kiss until the song ends.


I wake up in a hospital bed with an oxygen mask covering my mouth. I have a hospital gown on with a hole in the center of the gown. I see the stitches of where they stabbed me. I look around me. Ruby, Jasmine and Jamal sigh in relief.

"CESAAR! YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" Ruby says while grasping my arm. I wince at the pain. I give a confused look. Its been three years since we've all talked, why are they here?

"Rubs, he's probably confused and hurting" Jasmine says softly.

I look up at Jamal to see him wiping away his tears.

I finally muster enough to say something.

'w-wh-why are you h-e-ere?" I ask.

"We might've grown apart, but we are in this together hermano, you're still my ride or die" Ruby says. Jamal and Jasmine both nod at his words. I smile. I missed them. I start to feel a wave of fatigue, and unwillingly close my eyes again.

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