: Awkward encounter

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Izuku woke up the next day. He had cooked himself a breakfast since he lived on his own

When he finished he got ready for school and left his apartment but was greeted by Yu.

"Good Morning Ms Takeyama." Izuku said surprised.

"Oh please call me Yu. Ms Takeyama makes me sound like an old lady." Yu said

"Oh ok......Yu" He said embarrassingly.

Yu beamed at that. "Hey you still ok?" She said

"I mean no, but I feel even worse by the fact that your asking me if I'm ok despite what happened yesterday." Izuku said.

"Psh don't worry about, I've had my fair share of dangerous encounters before, besides dumping someone feels better than being dumped." Yu said

Izuku only looked at her but gave no response.

"I know it's hard to move on but you gotta try" Yu said as she took Izukus phone

"Say cheese!" She said as she took a selfie together.

"There now you have a picture of another girl on your phone" Yu said.

Izuku smiled, "Thanks Yu, this'll help a lot"

Yu smiled and waved him goodbye.

Time skip: Arrival at UA

Izuku walked into class 1a. He was pretty much the last student to enter so everyone else was before him but to his surprise he saw Uraraka was clinging to Todoroki.

Everyone in class was expecting him to walk out of class but he sat down in his seat like nothing happened.

Iida then approached him.

"Hey Midoriya are you-"

But was cut off by Izuku.

"Oh sorry for being late Iida, some stuff came up" Izuku said.

Iida was stunned by Izukus behavior. Iida thought Izuku would be devastated after his breakup. But it seemed to him Izuku had already moved on.

Iida smiled and walked over to his seat.

"Why isn't he angry!" Uraraka thought still clinging to Todoroki.

Time skip: Lunch Break.

Izuku was sitting in the canteen eating his lunch while on his phone when Kirishima approached him.

"Hey bro, you sure move on fast." Kirishima said with a smirk.

Izuku looked up at him. "Well it's not that I've moved on it's just someone helped me when I was down."

"Oh, well that's good for you man." Kirishima said.

Izuku then continued his lunch.

"What's wrong with him?! Has he moved on already?!" Uraraka thought furiously.

Time skip: After school

Izuku walked home after school finished. When he reached his apartment he saw a man banging on Yu's door.

"Yu please! Open the door, what happened was a misunderstanding, I love you!" He said as he was banging on the door.

"Leave me alone you fucking coward!" Yu yelled in her room.

"Yu please!" Shinji said

"Fuck off!" Yu said

Shinji stormed off and walked passed Izuku. Izuku then knocked on Yu's door.

The door then swung open.

"I said FUCK OFF!" Yu said as she punched Izuku in the face. Izuku then fell to the ground.

"Oh my God! Sorry Izuku I thought you were someone else." Yu said after realizing who she hit.

"No it's fine" Izuku said covering his nose to stop it from bleeding.

"It's not fine, here I'll get some tissues" Yu said as she ran inside her apartment.

A few minutes later she came out with a box of tissues.

Izuku covered his face with the tissues while Yu frantically apologized.

"Yu it's fine, seriously. But are you okay?"

Yu looked away for a second but looked back at Izuku. "Yeah I'm fine, that was just my ex"

Izuku then stood up. "Hey as a thank you for yesterday, do wanna like go to the movies or something this weekend"

"Sure, I'd love to. It would really take my mind off things" Yu said.

Time skip: The weekend

Izuku was waiting at the movies for Yu.

"Oh hey Deku" A voice called out.

It was Uraraka.

"Oh......hey." Izuku said

"What are doing here by yourself?" She asked

"Just waiting for someone" Izuku said

"Oh really? Who are-"

"Why do you care! You said I wasn't good enough. So just leave already." Izuku said.

"D-Deku I-"

"Heyyy Midoriya!" Yu called out while waving at him

"Oh hey Yu!" Izuku called out.

"Who's this?" Yu asked

"This is Uraraka, my ex."

Uraraka the walked off without greeting Yu. "That bitch! What is wrong with him" She thought.

Izuku shrugged it off and a walked into the movies with Yu.

The two enjoyed the movie while watching it. However near the end of the movie the man and woman in the movie were talking in the middle of the street in the rain.

"Don't you know that I love you!" The man said

"I do and I'd wan to spent the rest of my life with you." The woman said.

As that scene happened Yu put her hand on the arm rested but her hand landed on Izukus hand.

She pulled away and so did Izuku. The looked into each other's eyes. Izuku was gazing into her purple eyes. And Yu was staying into his emerald eyes
. The two were slowly drifting closer together until a gunshot had fired from the movie. The two opened their eyes and a huge blush flushed across both their faces when they realized what was about to happen.

When the movie finished, not a word was spoken. The walked out of the movies and then Izuku broke the silence.

"So yeah uh I'm gonna head home now" He said trying his best not to stutter.

"Right uh I'm gonna do the same." Yu said forgetting they live in the same apartment building.

The two walked home together still in an awkward silence. As they reached their apartment room Yu spoke up.

"Hey uh I had fun tonight" She said with a huge blush.

"Oh uh same here." Izuku said.

The two then entered their own rooms. As the door closed the two both collapsed on their beds from embarrassment.

"What the hell was that 'I had fun tonight' now he's gonna get the wrong idea. He probably thinks I'm a creep now." Yu said hiding her face in her knees.

"Well it's not like I didn't enjoy it" She said. She then screaming into her pillow from embarrassment.

However Izuku also had the same thought process.

"Oh my God what the hell was that! 'Oh same here'. Ah she probably hates me now. I should apologize! No I should give her personal space! No that would make it seem like I'm avoiding her! AAAAAAHHHH! What do I do!" He said.

A/N: Alright that ends that there. What do guys think? I hope you guys enjoy.

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