: Izuku Vs Shinso

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A/N: Alright I know its been a while but I've decided to skip the Cavalry battle.

Izuku was disappointed after the Cavalry battle. He was glad he got through it because of tokoyami but he was still dissatisfied by not keeping the 10 million points.

As the match up for the tournament were decided, Uraraka went up to Izuku.

"I need to talk with you, privately." She said

Izuku only nodded and met him secretly from others.

"What is it you wanted." Izuku said

"Well deku I want to apologise for what I said about you not being good enough"

Izuku eyes shot open.

"well I didn't know what I should've said at the time, but I know I was wrong" Uraraka said

"Why don't you say what I did wrong"  Izuku asked

"I- well-"

"I can't" She said

"Tch" Izuku said

Uraraka clenched her fist while looking down.

"How about you come in first place and I'll tell you"

"Just tell me now."

"Do it for me? Please."

"Fine, I was aiming to win this anyway"

Uraraka then walked off. Izuku then heard footsteps. He turned around but no one was there.

He was about to walk away when Todoroki came around the corner

"Oh Todoroki, it was you." Izuku said

"It was me?" Todoroki thought but then he shrugged it off

"What were you doing with Uraraka?"  He asked

"Just talking, why?"

"Well first you team up with her in the Cavalry battle and now you two meet in private" Todoroki said

"Hey its not like that"

"Then what's it like?"

"We're just friends" Izuku said

Todoroki didn't even respond to that.

"Hey I've got an question for you. Are you related to all might in any way" Todoroki said coldly

"Eh?" Izuku thought

Izuku then chuckled a bit. "You think I'm related to all might. That All might. Number one hero?! Ha don't make me laugh."

Todoroki was shocked. He thought Izuku loved all might. Well even so he never knew anyone who hated all might.

Izuku walked off as his battle with shinso was about to begin

Time skip:

"Hey Mount Lady, you seem kind of sad" Shinji said

"Oh it's nothing she said, while looking at the TV"

"Well I'm here for you-"

Before he could even finish Yu was looking at him with murderous intent

"Never mind" Yu said

Meanwhile back to Izuku:

Izuku walked onto the stage and saw shinso.

Izuku started to walk towards him.

"Oh? Youre approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming right towards me?!" Shinso said

"I can't beat th-" Izuku then froze before he even finish his sentence.

"Good! Now walk out of the arena!" Shinso said

Izuku started walking away.

"What am I doing?" Izuku thought

He then saw a group of shadowy figures staring at him

"Were they here the whole time? Spooky." Izuku thought as he got cold shivers in down his spine

"Midoriya" One of the figures spoke

A female with brunette hair emerged from the darkness

"My name is Nana Shimura, I was the previous successor of One for all before Toshinori"

"Wait One for all? Toshinori? Am I dead? Wait I'm so confused!" Izuku thought

"Don't worry about it Midoriya. You can see me as we are part of OFA, we were once the previous holders of OFA so technically we are part of the quirk."

"Wait how come she's here" Izuku thought

"Well I'm here to get you to snap out of it, you've already got someone that believes in you so don't let her down."

Izuku then without hesitation used OFA and smashed the floor.

He had broken free from Shinsos quirk, he clenched his fist and looked at Shinso

"Hey how'd you do that!" Shinso said

Izuku didn't say anything

"Ha! But it doesn't matter, your quirk breaks your body right so you fingers should be broken" He said

He glanced at Izuku fingers, but they were fine.

"How? How did you do that!" Shinso said as he threw a fist at Izuku

"My whole life people have called me a villain because of my quirk, I finally get the chance to prove them all wrong if I win this" Shinso said as he threw another lunch at Izuku

But Izuku grabbed him by his shirt and threw him out of the arena

"Midoriya wins!" Midnight declared

Izuku then put his hand down at Shinso and offered to lift him up

"Thanks for that Shinso"

"Thanks? I tried to get you walk off stage without actually fighting. It was insanely cowardly"

"No that's an amazing quirk! It helped me realize that there's one person important in my life that I absolutely cannot letdown. Still you have an amazing quirk so can we be friends" Izuku said still holding out his hand.

Shinso smiled. "You sound insane right now, you wanna be friends with someone like me." Shinso laughed.

He then grabbed Izuku hand and stood up.

"Well I don't know your story but you said something about winning for someone special, well make that 2 people because I'll be cheering for you!" Shinso said

Shinso then walked off to his class. Izuku also walked off to his class, as he was walking back still was thinking about what happened back there with Nana

A/N: Alright that's the chapter. I'm gonna be skipping the unimportant fights that serve no importance in the story. Call me lazy I just don't want to write something if it doesn't add anything to the story

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