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Yu met up with All Might and other heroes.

"Is this it?" Yu questioned

"No we're still waiting on another." All Might said.

As he said that a group of police officers walked in with Kamui Woods in restraints.

"Whats he doing here?" Yu said.

"Oh don't be like that, I've changed. I'm a different man now." Kamui said with a smug look on his face.

Everyone knew that was a lie but didn't saw anything.

"We need his quirk for this mission." All Might said.

"Yeah Mount Lady, all that your here for is to destroy a building! Just to let you know these heroes trust me more than they trust you." Kamui laughed

Yu clenched her fist.

She knew that. More than anyone. Her quirk wasn't exactly stealthy now was it?

She clenched her fist at the fact that he was right. But that didn't matter to her. All that mattered was getting Izuku back.

"I'll do what I have to do to get Izuku back!" Yu said.

"Well well well, didn't you change. The old you wouldve cried about that.

"Can we start now! This is getting annoying" Endeavor said.

"For once, I agree with you!" All Might said.

Timeskip: A few hours.

Meanwhile at the league of Villians.

"Master he's still not moving!" Shigeraki said.

"Well I tried implanting fake memories in there but it was to no avail. Hes not going to wake up no matter what we do." Afo said.

"But I thought he was supposed to kill All Might." Shigeraki said.

"Well that's not going to work with a boy who can't even function now can it" Afo said.

"Well guess we'll have to ga back to the drawing board" Afo said as he left the room.

Right as that was said a massive crash cam from next door.

"What the hell was that." Shigeraki said.

As he opened the door he saw that the league had been tied up with Kamuis quirk. Dabi had been knocked out by Gran Torino. And edgeshot let the police through the door.

"It's over villians! BECAUSE I AM HERE!" All Might said.

The Villians then suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"It's him! All for one!" All Might thought.

While this happened Mount Lady smashed the building of Nomus.

She then entered the rubble of a building

"How about hold back next time."Best Jeanist said while slicing his hair.

Right at that moment the league of Villians popped out of a black hole

Best Jeanist immediately called All Might to tell him about the situation.

"All Might, the league has just appeared-"

But them he was killed by All For One.

"Ah it appears he heard it." Afo chuckled.

Afo then glanced at Mount Lady and Tiger.

"Alright who dies next!" Afo chuckled again.

All Might then crashed through the building.

"None shall die, not as long as I am here. Now where is young Midoriya? " All Might said.

"Oh that boy, he was supposed to be part of my plan but was deemed a failure. Well I suppose if your born a failure you'll be deemed a failure for life! Didn't you tell him something like that once " Afo chuckled.

"It's true but I saw past that and saw that he possesses more of a heroic personality, even more than myself." All Might said in anger.

"Well if you want to find the hollow she'll of a boy that was once Midoriya he was back at the previous base" Af9 said.

"You heard that, Mount Lady. Go!" All Might said.

Mount Lady then transformed and ran back to the previous base.

"Please be ok! Please be ok!" Was the only thought running through her mind.

As she finally reached the lair. She opened the door in the back. And saw Izuku there.

"Izuku!" She rushed over without a second thought.

But he didn't move.

"Izuku?" She said.

He then stared at her.  He tried to speak but no words of any language came out.

"Izuku, can you understand me?" Yu asked.

But Izuku looked confused at her.

Yu looked away. She then escorted Izuku out of the building.


All Might and All for One exchanged blows.

"What have you done with young Midoriya! Knowing you, you probably put him through the worst."All Might said.

"That boy you adore so much is nothing any more!" Afo said.

"Did you kill him!" All Might said.

"Aw come on All Might you know I would never do something so boring! I took his memory from him. The boy can't even speak properly anymore. It wasn't part of my initial plan but it's a surprise to be sure but a welcome one" Afo said.

"How dare you!" All Might said while smashing All for Ones mask.

"Oh come on All Might. You know the symbol of peace should always be smiling. Isn't that what your teacher Nana Shimura said!" Afo said while pressing his face to make a smile.

All Might clenched his fist. "You've taken too much from me! But I know you want me to kill you but I won't give in! I won't stoop to your level." He readied his next attack to finish the fight.

"Ha! I shall arise to your silly provocation!" Afo said.l as he made his hand insanely large.

The two charged towards each other.

"Delaware Smash!" All Might said as he punched Afo in the face.

"Too slow!" Afo said.

"That's because I didn't put my back into it!" All Might said as his other hand grew


AFO received this attack to the face and was smashed into the ground.

And he didn't get up while as All Might was still standing with his hand in the air.

Everyone cheered for All Mights victory. Everyone except for Yu and Izuku.

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