: Apologies

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The next day Izuku left to go to school. As he left his room he met Yu leaving her room.

A bombardment of thoughts started to swell his brain. Before he could even think of what to say Yu turned toward him

Right at that moment Izuku kind of panicked and walked away quickly.
As Izuku walked off he kept thinking on how he acted.

"Why did I walk away?! I mean she probably hates me now so I'll save her the bother of even seeing me." Izuku thought.

However Yu was still outside her apartment door but was sitting on the floor. Covering her face with her hands

"Ah he hates me now! I knew it! He now thinks I'm that type of women!" Yu thought.

Yu then walked out of the apartment building and to her Kamui Woods agency.

When she arrives she got changed into her hero outfit in the changing rooms and got ready for hero patrol.

"Oh hey Mount Lady. We've been assigned for a patrol together " Kamui Woods called out.

"Pass" Yu said.

"Eh? But it's my agency I've already made the decision" Kamui Woods said.

"Fine!" Yu said.

Kamui Woods was delighted however Yu couldn't have been more agitated.

As they patrolled around the area. Yu saw a UA student being grabbed by the shirt collar.

It was a certain greenette

"What did I say deku! You're just a worthless piece of human garbage! You can't even fight back!" Bakugo yelled.

"Kacchan please. We're not allowed to use our quirks until we get hero licenses." Izuku said covering his face from attacks.

"Tch pathetic deku! No wonder Uraraka left you! You won't even be able to even survive the Sports festival so don't bother going." Bakugo said kicking Izuku in the ribs which made Izuku fall to the floor.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Yu called out.

"Nothing of your concern" Bakugo said.

Kamui Woods then restrained bakugo with his quirk so he wouldn't try to escape.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing! Bakugo said.

"We'll have to report this to your school and tell them what you did!" Kamui Woods said.

Kamui Woods took bakugo away with him. As they left Izuku tried to get up but Yu stopped him.

"Hey stop. You need medical attention." Yu said.

Izuku looked up at Yu. It was only then she noticed his cut across his nose. His bruise that was covering his eye and his throat that had been singed by Bakugos quirk.

"It's fine. I need to get to school. Recovery Girl can patch me up." Izuku said.

"Fine but I'll take you there." She carried him on her back with his head resting in her shoulder.

Yu started walking and then suddenly asked "Hey might I ask but what happened back there?"

"Oh that. Well it's all my fault really, because I left my apartment in a rush this morning I ran into Kacchan who I usually avoid but I wasn't think so I ended up meeting him." Izuku said.

"Well what he did was unacceptable I mean how could he do that to a fellow classmate." Yu said angrily.

"Well no one in my class really cares about me. It's not like they hate me it's just I'm seen as dangerous due to my quirk so people only talk to me during lunch. Besides no one care about me anyway, my mom doesn't come home most nights to avoid me, my girlfriend dumped me because I wasn't good enough and my neighbor probably hates me now." Izuku said.

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