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Would zombie forget about matrix or just not care or think he ruined it because like before he went into the prison matrix was inlove with him and confessed

We could go the route of which Matrix loves Kusaru, but he won't admit and let himself love Matrix, thus refusing her love. (Only to much later accept it-)

what if he pushes her away and brushes her off and is extra horrible to her-
All To Make Himself Believe He Doesn't Love Her

what if sometimes he goes to far

Naturally, the exterior he'd built from his decade in prison (and factors of which I cannot name) would push him to do what is absolutely possible to push her away. If that means hurting her, then he will. But will he be happy about that? Far FAR from it. Like I said, emotional pain is his greatest weakness. So technically, Matrix is his greatest weakness.

His main excuse is "I Don't Deserve You."

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