Attack on rebel base

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[B]THe freedom,
Matrix had ran away with ophi And Shoto but Matrix was badly wounded and is assumed dead

He's free tho so he like OPE and goes to attack the rebel base

Matrix sees him and is like you guys go and protect everyone go ahead I'll deal with him!

Hard push away and leaving matrix after ripping her wings because "I'll leave you before you can leave me"
(Selfish plays in the background)

She goes up to him tears streaming down her face. "K-Kusaru(or would she call him zombie)" she cups his face to see if he's real her hands resting on his pale skin. "It's really you, not just another dream." She snaps out of her trancelike state as her hands scream in pain. She quickly takes them away only to cast a healing spell Upon them. He moves her eyes back to Kusaru as she lets out a sob. Her body aching from the strain of her emotions and her wounds but she stands strong as she searches her beloved eyes. Those eyes that she resented so much yet couldn't get enough of. "How, 10 years, it's been 10 years and i though I had gotten over you, how is possible to feel such strong emotion upon just glancing at you."

Oh my god- matrix gets semi healed and then the base is attacked by him and she's like I'll handle him you guys get away.
After prison would he still have a soft spot for her

Also angsty bits the first time she sees him again she'd start crying and want to run to him and hug him but she wouldn't.

I like the soft spot idea tho. I had an idea of a situation where Kusaru is about to rot-punch Todo, but Matrix jumps infront of him and causes Zombie to stop.

And AWWWW babbbyyyyy

Sksksksk I like the soft spot idea b u t also would he have admitted to his feelings- or would he still be in the state of doing whatever he could to push her away
I feel like he'd still be in the state of pushing her away, b u t he's starting to give way. Like he's showing signs that he cares for her and he keeps trying to hide it but he's not doing a very good job

Matrix always believes the Kusaru will never truly betray her / leave her but then he does
[S]She's screaming for help on the floor basically dying and he just turns cold and walks away from her leaving her to die
Kusarus mentality could be if I didn't leave her she would have left me

*listens to selfish *
She screams the words from the song at him as he walks away

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