The execution of Kusaru

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Matrix is like bitch no
Ends up being left behind
Escapes and is found in pool of her own blood

Later down the line, after Matrix "dies" and all that, the cultists arrange for an ultimatum attack against Base Alpha. In that attack, Kusaru is at his greatest mental conflict; whether to keep to the facade he'd been keeping for more than a decade, or to give in to the goodness around him and try to trust again (thanks mostly to Matrix). At the battle (led by Endeavor), the cultists and rebels clash, though it seemed that Kusa couldn't bring himself to kill anyone. Until he sees Endeavor about to injure/kill (either Matrix, because love, or Shoto, who would remind him of himself) and makes his mind of switching sides. He stops Enji, tustles with him for a bit and relctantly agrees to go with them and retreat. Once they do, the other leaders decide Kusaru's acts or treasonous and are swayed by Enji to sentence him to public execution by pyre (aka at his hand for betraying him) to show what happens to cultist traitors. Though as they go to kill him, badass Matrix just comes in with a rescue team and saves him.

I imagine him singing this as he marches towards his death.

Also imagine that but when matrix saves him she's kidnapped a g a I n because enji now knows what kusarus weakness is.

Oml I can imagine a really sweet scene of them being reunited- the party is lead by matrix. Ye- just as the kindling is set alight matrix either encases it in ice completely putting it out
Ophiuchus controls it and is like n o p e (if he's not dead by then) She runs to him and it's like one of those frozen moments where they kiss and the world sparks with light

Also imagine that but when matrix saves him she's kidnapped a g a I n because enji now knows what kusarus weakness is.

Oml I can imagine a really sweet scene of them being reunited- the party is lead by matrix. Ye- just as the kindling is set alight matrix either encases it in ice completely putting it out
Ophiuchus controls it and is like n o p e (if he's not dead by then) She runs to him and it's like one of those frozen moments where they kiss and the world sparks with light

When the rebels first find out about the execution, would Matrix be devastated or really pissed at first?

She would be devastated but it would very quickly turn into burning pissed rage

She would break down crying but throughout times of the period in betweenshe'd be pissed but then the next moment besides herself with worry and borderline breaking down




Okay so

I think enji lights the flame so matrix would have to stop him for Kusaru to be free. So when it all goes down (listening to the song I imagined a full ass animatic) matrix initially hits Enji with a blast of ice which throws him off to the side. So that gives time for matrix to put out the fire, get down kusa and kiss him. Before enji comes back and send matrix flying there is a discussion between Kusaru and enji before matrix comes back and overpowers enji to the ground (ShES doing it but it's taking all of her power and she's barely withstraining him) she yells for everyone to go and flee.

Oh he'd def stay there an help her out. Not only does he have a long lasting grudge on Enji but he will not let her get injured, especially by the likes of Enji.

Oh ho what if ophi knocked him out and took him away

Oml wait that angsty and hurty the heart. It went from kasura being nearly killed to matrix swapping places with him

I can imagine her escaping tho but maybe being found just a red puddle in the snow

oml Kusaru finds her but can't touch her because she doesn't have her healing spell active

So he crumpled down next to her, her broken bloody body with clothes ripped apart. He had no idea what to do, it's evident she's bleeding out and doesn't have much time left but she's alive

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