Confrontation -> Jail

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SCENE: they confront each other just as Kusa's getting arrested for the "incident" and it gets really heated and he ends the conversation With

"Well guess what?! I fucked Matrix!! So Ha Ha Ha!!! Some kind of protector you are, bitch!!!"

Ophiuchus looks shocked towards Kusaru then to matrix who stares at Kusaru with shocked horror mob wing her hand up to her mouth as tears start to collect in her icy blue eyes. Ophiuchus is fulled with a white hot rage. He whips around to Kusaru he marches up to him and lifts him off the ground by his shirt. The clothing starting to singe from the restless magic. "You raped her?!" He pulled a hand back and threw it forward colliding hard with Kusarus face. "What did you do!? Drug her? Erase her memory. Just to Rape her? You bastard."

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