Chapter Two

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Amo Age 12 Greta Age 7

The Vitiello Christmas party had become the most anticipated event of the year. Greta had never been to a party outside of Las Vegas before. Her parents said it was really far and her dad kept trying to say she was better off staying home with her Uncle Savio and Aunt Gemma, but Greta didn't want to be stuck at home; even Aurora was going. Greta wanted to dance like the princesses in her favorite movies all got to do when they went to a ball. Her Aunt Kiara had purchased a brand new red gown for the grand event and it was beautiful, even if it wasn't pink. Greta wanted to wear her favorite tutu but at the wise age of seven, she knew that wasn't appropriate so she settled for a dress that had a full skirt. It wasn't as pretty as some of her ballet costumes, but it had tons of glitter which she loved.

"I'm just saying if his lips go near my little girl again..." her father's voice caught her attention as she was buckling her new dress shoes. Her parents were walking into the small living room of their hotel suite.

"Remo! She kissed him, it was innocent and years ago! You can't kill a boy for what a young infatuated child does. This is your own fault you know. If you weren't so affectionate in front of the kids she wouldn't have known how to do that, to begin with."

"Are you saying I shouldn't kiss you anymore?" Her father growled in a low voice. Neither seemed to realize Greta was in the room.

"Don't you dare!" Serafina pushed Remo's chest before giving him one of those looks and proceeding to passionately kiss him. Greta was considering sneaking out into the bathroom when her twin stormed into the room.

"Eww get a room!" Nevio yelled. He had appeared with nothing but underwear on. "I don't want another baby here." He strutted around the family room as if he owned it. Greta suppressed a giggle knowing her mother wouldn't be happy with her brother's lack of clothing.

Serafina gave Remo a 'this-is-your-fault-he-knows-this' look. Despite being seven, Nevio knew more about the making of a baby than he should, not to mention his first words had been all of the bad ones. And even though he started as an instigator against everything Savio did, he was beginning to act more and more like his uncle every day.

"Nevio! Where is your suit?" his mother asked. "I just put it on you ten minutes ago!"

"I took it off. I don't like clothes!" Nevio ripped off his underwear and looked like he was going to plop down onto the couch in the nude when his mother gave him the look that said he was in trouble. As fast as she reached for him he jumped to get away, he turned around towards the closest exit and ran butt-naked out of the room.

"We stop at two. I don't think I can handle another mini you." Serafina said before running after Nevio to catch him before he mooned someone again.

It was another hour before everyone was finally dressed and ready to leave. After their family had first received the invitation there had been arguments about who would and wouldn't go, it was ultimately decided that Adamo and Savio would stay home.

Fabiano and Kiara both had family at the event so it felt like they needed to go, and of course, their spouses and children would go. At the age of five Aurora was excited to see her Aunt Aria, and the boys Massimo and Alessio were equally excited to see their Aunt Guilia. Guilia had been spoiling the boys for years sending them the most fun gifts on each holiday. Greta didn't think her dad would allow her and her brother to go but he finally decided to let them attend only the week before. The plane ride to New York was long. The families had to eat lunch in their jet and both Massimo and Aurora had to take naps before they arrived. All the tiredness Greta felt on the plane ride evaporated when they pulled up to the Vitiello mansion.

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