Chapter Three

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Amo Age 17 Greta Age 12

No one ever thought peace between the New York Famiglia and the Las Vegas Camorra would last this long. Yet here they were, another year has come and gone with the two families not only peaceful but with more of a working relationship than anyone ever thought could be possible. Amo couldn't remember a time in his life when the Camorra was ever a true threat. Yes, he had been told over and over again that peace never lasts, but with the Bratva being at odds with everyone and the MCs growing rapidly, fighting with their sorta allies didn't make sense. He stretched his arms as his muscles once again felt restless from the long flight. Amo hated to fly. He wanted to be in control of the vehicle and flying took that option away from him.

"Why are there sunflowers in the restroom?" Matteo growled out as he returned to his seat near his nephew.

"Guilia," Amo responded as if that should explain everything, "Dad let Cassio and her use the plane last week."

"That woman is an odd one." His uncle replied.

"Don't let Cassio hear you say that. He may be old, but he is still in top shape." Amo said as he flipped through documents he had been reviewing for the Sphere. The night club was one of his biggest responsibilities.

"Hey! Watch what you say, kid, he's only six years older than me." Amo's uncle retorted. "And I could beat his ass if I wanted too."

He was grateful it was at least his uncle with him on this trip to bargain with Falcone about street racing. He wasn't that interested in cars. Regardless, he was going to use his time in Vegas to his advantage. The twins would be 12 by now. He planned to watch Nevio like a hawk. Look for any signs of future weakness, watch how he behaved around the Vitiellos, and keep track of his mannerisms. They would both be Capo someday and Amo had the advantage of not only being older but being able to watch his future rival grow up. Knowing how Nevio behaves as a child will foreshadow how he'll act like an adult. And then there was Greta. Had she gotten over her stupid childish crush yet? He hoped he wouldn't have to deal with her ridiculous dancing requests again. It had taken quite a while before he forgave Marci for dragging him over to dance with that child all those years ago. It took weeks of him punching anyone who so much as mentioned the "precious royal couple" before the comments stopped being made so loud. Rumors were still flying around, no one would say them to his face though. While he didn't know for sure, he was pretty confident it was his sister who started them. He was a man and Greta was merely an annoying child. Why would he wait for a child when he could have whoever he wanted now.

"Glad to see you all arrived in one piece." Fabiano greeted the pair after their plane had landed. Amo accepted the handshake from his mother's brother while scanning the area. As future capo, he could never let his guard down. "Come back to the mansion and we can talk about expanding our street races. Adamo has been so excited about this meeting."

It was a testament to how far their relations had come that Matteo and Amo were allowed into the Falcone home. Fabiano had offered to host them in his house, but Adamo had insisted it would be too much for him to have to bring over. Adamo had everything so well planned out. When they got to the mansion, Matteo and Fabiano went to the living room to speak to Adamo and Nino, another one of the Falcone brothers. Meanwhile, Amo went in search of the bathroom.

When he was finished, Amo wandered down the corridor. It was quiet in this mansion, so maybe that was why the soft ring of music drew him towards the sound. He peeked through the crack on the door and saw a girl dancing. Her movements were like art, so graceful and determined. He couldn't help but watch in awe. When the music ended the girl sat on a bench, her face was now visible to him and he could see it was Greta. She had grown up, she was taller and thinner, her face still had a bit of baby in it, but it was almost gone. She was actually quite pretty for her age, he assumed she must be twelve or thirteen.

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