Chapter Nine

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It was forty-five minutes until his twin sister got married. After their talk last night, he decided to give up on his escape plans for now, but he was still worried that Greta was going to be unhappy and hurt in this marriage. Well, if he couldn't stop the wedding, he can at least uphold their tradition, one last time. Nevio left his room and started making his way to the ballroom where the reception would be. He just had to make sure he had time to steal some cake and see his sister. He was three doors away when he heard, "Nevio! You need to get your jacket and tie on! We don't have time for this. Guests are already arriving and getting seated outside." Matteo stood in front of the grand double doors with his arms crossed.

"I have plenty of time. You're not my Consigliere, and I can fend for myself. Fuck off!" Nevio attempted to step past the tall man, however, he wouldn't budge. "Watch your tone, kid. My job is to keep all of the men in order, and that includes you. Now go finish getting dressed, then you can do whatever the hell you want until the ceremony starts." With a huff, Nevio knew he would never be able to get past Matteo without a fight, and he knew his sister would kill him if he ruined her wedding. He swallowed his pride and went back to his room to finish getting ready. When he perfected his appearance, he still had twenty minutes before the ceremony, so he hurried back down to the ballroom, successfully avoiding Matteo this time, and made a beeline for the cake.

Wait, something is wrong. As he approached the back of the cake, Nevio saw that there was a chunk already missing. Hot rage burned inside him. He knew Amo did it just to sabotage what little time Nevio had left with Greta. He saw red as he walked so fast he was practically running across the mansion to where Greta was preparing for the wedding. Nevio cursed Matteo for wasting his time and making him miss this final moment, this final tradition of theirs. Nevio slowed as he neared the bride's room so he didn't make a scene, but when he drew closer he could hear his sister's voice and stopped so he could hear who she was talking to. Soon her voice was replaced with a deeper one, and it took all his self-control to not yell at Amo for stealing this time too. She wasn't a Vitiello yet. Why did Amo have to steal her away so early?

"That was the day I fell in love with you, Greta. And I know you don't love me yet, but that's okay. I just hope that one day you will."

Nevio paused. What? How could Amo love Greta? He barely knows her! Surely she doesn't believe him!

"I love you, too!" Nevio felt dejected at those words.. Despite everything that had occurred over the years, it was that moment hearing her say those words to him, that finally made him realize this was really happening and nothing he did could stop it.

Nevio felt his shoulders slump. She really was marrying him. She really was leaving Las Vegas forever. She was leaving the Camorra, their family; she was leaving him. But she wasn't just losing them; she was gaining a new family. She was sincerely happy about this wedding. And there was something in Amo's voice that made even Nevio believe him. Maybe everything would be okay, after all. Nevio set his jaw and made a promise to himself. 'As long as Greta is happy with Amo, I will never do anything to damage that again. When I am Capo, I will do everything in my power to keep the peace between us. If I can do that, I won't lose Greta. Her happiness is all that matters.'

Sighing, he looked at his watch. Five minutes until the ceremony was to begin. Squaring his shoulders, he turned the corner and saw Amo holding Greta's hand through the doorway. "It's time to go." He offered his hand to Amo and pulled him to his feet. Before he let go, he drew Amo close and whispered quietly enough so Greta wouldn't hear, "I want you to treat her well, love her well, keep her happy, and I will do everything it takes to keep the peace going, brother." Amo smiled at Nevio, but it wasn't a cold and calculating smile, it was genuine.

"Wanting her happiness is the one thing we will always have in common." Amo's words were filled with complete sincerity and Nevio knew that between the two of them Greta would have everything she ever wanted in this world.

The men parted and Nevio strode through the door. Greta's cheeks were tear-stained and a half-eaten plate of cake lay beside her. Despite the drying tears, Nevio could see her eyes were shining bright with happiness. Holding out his hand Nevio smirked down at his sister, "Come on, let's get you ready to walk down the aisle."

"You aren't going to try and convince me to run away again?" Greta joked as Nevio pulled her to her feet, but even he could hear the worrying truth behind her words.

"No." he told her with a small sad smile.

"He's going to be a good husband for me," Greta said with blushing cheeks.

"Yes, he will. I still don't like him though, and if he ever does anything to hurt you there will be a war so huge not even heaven and hell combined would be able to hold me back," Nevio said, wiping away a tear on her cheek. "In the meantime, I'll stop being such an asshole to him. He better treat you with the respect you deserve forever," He gave a twisted shark grin and with extreme confidence added, "or I'll kill him." He added, causing his sister to scoff and punch his shoulder.

"Come on Nevio, go get Mom to help me fix my makeup, and while you are at it, can you please put on your tie?"

* * *

It felt like time flew by too quickly when Nevio found himself helping his father escort his twin towards the doors to her future. The notes of the wedding march made him feel like he was suffocating. Nevio's hand instinctively went to his neck attempting to loosen his tie, but his twin's hand stopped him.

"Not today." She scolded, and he couldn't find the words to argue with her. She looked like the princess he and his father had tried to protect for so long. Now though, they were preparing to hand her over, and only a short walk down the aisle was left before his sister stopped being a princess and embraced being New York's Queen.

"Wow." Greta gave a shaky breath as the trio stepped in front of the door that would lead to the waiting guests and her prince. Nevio found himself watching his twin. Her eyes were focused on the end door.

"I guess this is the end." Nevio hadn't even realized he'd spoken the words aloud until Greta's voice spoke up.

The doors opened revealing the standing crowd waiting for her long walk down the aisle. Somewhere in the mix sat his mother holding back tears she would never allow to fall. Half of the guests probably had hidden guns ready to pull out at any sign of defiance, and somewhere at the end of the aisle waited Amo to take away his sister forever, but despite all of that, Greta just looked at her brother and gave him the biggest smile he'd ever seen "Oh Nevio, it's only the beginning."

~The End~

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