Chapter Five

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Greta & Amo

Amo 21, Greta 16

That morning Greta got out of bed at five like she always did. She dragged herself into her closet to change into a leotard and leggings, then went down to the home gym and started her stretches. Yesterday's events had taken a toll on her, and she stayed up half the night thinking about it. Between the engagement and Nevio, she could feel the tension on her body. Needing to relieve some stress, Greta was happy to practice.

Greta started to bandage up her feet and then pull her slippers on. She struggled to get her right shoe on as her hallux was slightly swollen. Despite the pain and discomfort that came from her big toe, Greta gritted her teeth and dove into her Fountaine pointe spin.

The music that played flowed around her twirls and pliés as she let the music take control and just danced. The stress in her life disappeared, and the pain in her right foot temporarily subsided, and she spun and kicked mastering her Fountaine pointe. Feeling pretty proud of herself, she went at it again, sidestep, turn, and jump!

When she landed, a searing pain shot up her leg. Greta fell to the floor, clutching her foot. She carefully peeled off the shoe and unraveled her bandages, which had turned even redder. Greta assumed she must have pulled a muscle, but it wasn't something she couldn't handle. Pulling herself up, she limped towards the door. Savio had come running out in only boxers with his gun at the ready, as his room was closest to the gym, "Dollface! What happened, I heard a bang. Are you okay?" Greta leaned on the door for support, "I'm not in danger, but I hurt my ankle," Savio put the gun down and scooped her up in his arms. He took her to the living room and laid her on the couch. "I'll get Fina. She'll know how to help you." He ran up the stairs into her parent's wing.

Greta groaned, and she placed one of Kiara's throw pillows under her now swollen foot and laid her head down. "I can't go to my party like this," She muttered under her breath.

After several minutes, she felt a hand touch her forehead. She opened her eyes and saw golden hair. "Mom, I'm hurt, and I can't get engaged looking like this!"

Serafina gingerly picked up Greta's foot and inspected it. "It looks like a sprain. There's not much we can do besides keep you off of it. That's going to be impossible! Do you need any ice?" Greta nodded, and Serafina went to gather some. After she put the ice on it, she felt a little better, but there was a much more pressing issue, "Do you think I'll be okay to dance tonight?"

"Greta, you are strong. Just be careful, and you'll be fine," Serafina gave her a reassuring smile. "We will figure something out," Serafina said, touching her daughter's cheek. "But just to be safe, we'll call the doctor." Serafina turned to walk away, then she paused at the door, "Happy birthday Greta."

Soon Remo walked in looking furious, and Nevio not far behind. Nevio quickly came to Greta's side, examining her feet. "Man Greta, it's a good thing you got a pretty face because one look at those disgusting feet alone would send any man running." Greta gave him an annoyed look and punched his shoulder. Nevio let out a small "ow" and rubbed his arm even though they all knew he had experienced far worse pain.

Greta watched as her father felt her foot. "I told you this would happen if you didn't slow down. You have to give your body a break; you have to let it rest. You sure did inherit your mother's stubbornness."

By the time the doctor arrived, everyone had huddled around Greta in the game room. All the doctor did was confirm it was sprained, recommended Advil, and told Greta to stay off it for a while.

Greta was not happy about the pain in her leg she had to deal with. It made walking up the stairs difficult, and she knew her high heels would be a big no-no.

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