Chapter Six

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Greta & Amo

Amo 21, Greta 16

Amo had more doubts about proposing to a child on the flight to Nevada than he did now. After seeing her for the past two days and spending time with her, he felt confident that she was mature enough to handle being the wife of a Capo. He knew he wouldn't have to marry her for another two years, so he had plenty of time to entertain women of his own age before the shackles of marriage held him back. What Greta didn't know wouldn't hurt her. He also knew lots of made men cheated on their spouses with whores and outsiders, but he didn't want to be like them. Witnessing the bond and trust a faithful marriage had created for his parents made him want the same. He genuinely wanted to take care of his wife and respect her for who she is. He wanted a marriage like his parents.

It was just before lunchtime when the Vitiello's made their way back to the Falcone mansion. After saying hello to everyone and adjourning to the sitting room, Amo's eyes landed on Greta. She was just wearing jeans and a soft scoop neck pink t-shirt, but she was beautiful. Their parents were deep in conversation about business, and the engagement party, and Amo took his chance to speak to his bride-to-be privately.

"Hey Twinkle Toes," Amo said as they sat down on a couch on the opposite end of the room. "I need to talk to you about our wedding." He softly spoke so he couldn't be overheard and motioned for her to do the same. "Your dad is kinda pushing not to keep the Vitiello traditions, and since you're gonna be a Vitiello, I would like to have you at my side when I push to uphold my family's traditions." Greta looked confused.

"What traditions?"

Amo took a deep breath and searched for words that wouldn't send the poor girl running for the hills. "First of all, getting married in my family mansion. My men have a right to be there. Your father is insisting we hold the wedding here in Vegas."

Greta let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, is that all? I'll talk to him. I figured we would have the wedding up there anyway. It just makes sense." She moved to get up, but Amo put a hand on her arm, and she sat back down. "There's more?" She asked, confused.

"Greta, there's a thing about our traditions that neither I nor my father like, but it's something we can't avoid. Your dad is adamant against it, and you're the only one who has an overall say. I need you to tell him you're okay with the bloody sheets." Greta went pale. Amo could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

"What are 'bloody sheets'?" She looked almost afraid to ask. "You're not going to cut me, are you? Because if that's the kind of a marriage this is going to be, I don't accept."

He noticed Nevio watching his sister and started to make his way over. Amo shook his head, "No, no not like that. I may not be a good man, but I promise that I would never hurt you. The 'bloody sheets' are a tradition that we've had for generations. It's proof of the new bride's virtue. After the wedding night, the married women of the family come to the couple's bedroom and collect the sheets they consummate their marriage on. If there's blood, it means the woman stayed a virgin and was pure. It's disgusting and degrading, but it's what the people want."

While Amo was talking, Nevio sat next to his sister and put an arm around her, "That's barbaric. You don't have to do this, Greta. Do you really want to be humiliated like that in front of both of our families? Do you really want to marry somebody who would make you do that?" Greta thought for a moment.

"But what if Greta's not a virgin?" Nevio said contemplatively. Amo looked shocked. Greta gave Nevio a look as if questioning something through her eyes. The look on Greta's face morphed into one of understanding; she knew the game Nevio was playing.

"You're not a virgin?" Amo said the words louder than he meant.

Greta was thankful the parents were engrossed in their own conversation otherwise, her dad would have reacted possibly worse than Amo.

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