Chapter Eight

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Amo 23, Greta 18

To the Future Mrs. Vitiello

Greta crumpled up the card and tossed the unopened box toward her aunt. "You can donate whatever garbage is in that box to the girls at the Sugar Trapp."

Gemma stared at her niece in confusion. "Don't you want to see what's inside it?"

Greta's shake of her head came without hesitation, "It's from Nina. Whatever is in there is not something I would ever wear. I know that for a fact."

The women at the bridal shower all giggled, while Aria, her future mother-in-law, nodded her head in understanding.

"That she-devil never has learned to stop interfering." Amo's Aunt Gianna sounded like she couldn't stand the woman, and Greta was hopeful that perhaps she would fit in better with her future family than she first expected.

The last two years had gone by way too fast. Amo had not come to see her at all since their engagement party, the most she heard from him was when he sent her gifts on her birthdays and holidays, which were appreciated. The jewelry was expensive and not out of the ordinary for a guy to send in their circles, even if it was a bit much for Greta's taste. To say the least, Amo didn't know anything about his bride to be.

"Oh, before I forget, Amo told me to give you this one," Aria said, handing what looked like a stack of papers with a bow tied around it to Greta. At first, Greta was confused about the odd gift. But as she unwrapped the bow and stared at the fresh print she felt her heart stop as she read a letter welcoming her to Julliard.

"How? What?" The words fell incoherently from her lips. She thought Nevio had been the only one who knew she applied. Even while filling out the application, she never expected to actually attend. It was a long shot and even if she did get in she didn't think she would be allowed to go. She was old enough to know the reality of their world. Made men chose what their wives could do and those options rarely, if ever, included anything outside of the home and charity work. However, the receipt she received showing her tuition had been paid in full listed the payee as A. Vitiello, he wouldn't have paid it unless he was saying she could attend.

"Is this real?" Greta asked, looking at her future mother-in-law with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to get too excited, but inside she was bursting.

"Yes sweetheart, it is." Aria gave her a kind smile.

"But how did he know? No one knew I even auditioned except for Nevio."

"You mean you and Nevio's little day trip to New York a few months ago?" Serafina chimed in. "Oh, we all knew." She went on, "Nevio came to us to tell us how much you wanted to audition, but you wanted to get in on your own terms. There was no way you could walk into Famiglia territory without someone noticing. While your father was reluctant for just the two of you to go, we called the Vitiello's to let them know so they could have their men look out for you while you were there. Amo arranged the whole thing. We all knew sweetheart, but we wanted to let you have this without outside help."

"I can't believe this." Greta stared at the paper.

"We all knew you could get in on your own, and we wanted you to prove it to yourself." Her Aunt Kiara said with a warm smile. Her Aunt Gemma wrapped her arms around Greta's shoulders. Surrounded by friends and family, Greta's heart was full. She wished her Aunt Dinarah could have come but she knew the tension it caused the family when she was around so Adamo came without her. She would miss her family sorely when she moved away, but as she looked from her now family to her new one she felt welcomed. Amo's mother and Aunts had done their best to make her feel at home. Greta decided being in New York and marrying Amo wouldn't be so bad after all. It seemed to her that he was trying to be kind to her and even if it was a marriage of convenience she knew she could find warmth in her mother-in-law and for that she was thankful. This life-changing gift touched her so much, she could practically feel her heart melting and all the worries she had were washing away with it. She was almost excited for her wedding next week. She made a mental note to thank Amo profusely when she saw him.

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