Chapter Seven

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Amo 22, Greta 17

'This is crazy.' Greta thought as her feet stepped off the plane and into New York. The plane ride was a good four and a half hours. Nevio slept the whole time while Greta listened to Butterfly Waltz on repeat going through her routine in her mind. She felt nervous and considered giving up on the idea every second until the plane took off. Now, as she followed Nevio through the crowded JFK airport she knew there was no going back. In a few hours, her parents would probably figure out they were gone and she'd never get another chance like this in her life.

It was 7:00 am when they landed in New York, it would be 4:00 am in Las Vegas. The twins had snuck out of the house at 2:00 am and booked it to the airport, only barely making their flight.

"I can't believe you didn't sleep at all the whole flight," Nevio said as he pulled his sister through the airport. "You are going to crash at your audition. Literally, you'll be doing one of those jump things and exhaustion will hit and I'll be the one having to drag your ass back home with a broken leg or arm."

"I'm not going to crash." Greta huffed as she pushed out of the terminal doors, embracing the city for the first time. Nevio stretched his arms above his head with a loud groan, "I fucking hate commercial flights! Why didn't we just take our jet?"

Greta rolled her eyes at her brother's complaints, "The pilot would have told Mom and Dad. Besides, we flew first class, you had an entire aisle to yourself. What is there to complain about?"

"The in-flight entertainment of course. They don't have my favorite stewardess on commercial flights." Nevio said with implication in his voice and a wink.

"You're just upset because the stewardess wouldn't give you a quickie in the bathroom." Greta scoffed. "News flash Nevio, no one outside of Las Vegas knows who you are and is eager to get you to 'take them for a ride.'"

"You didn't like the line, take them for a ride?" Nevio scoffed, " Really? It took me three hours to come up with that! I would be a great Pilot, any girl would be happy to take a ride on my airplane."

Greta shook her head with laughter, "It really is amazing that you lost your virginity let alone have managed to get any girls to come home with you."

The cold air hit them as they stepped out of the terminal, causing Nevio to shiver and end his argument. They had of course been to New York as children, but Greta didn't remember much of it. Sadly, it looked a bit disappointing compared to home. Regardless, today was her day and she was ready for it, with a new sense of excitement boiling within, she headed towards a taxicab that was idling by for travelers to take a ride.

"What makes you think I would step foot in that piece of shit?" Nevio said, making a face. 'Sometimes he could act so spoiled.' Greta thought she gave a frustrating shake of her head. "I want the real New York experience. Plus no one can know we are here, and having a driver chauffeur us around doesn't look normal." Greta happily opened the taxi door and hurried in with Nevio grumpily sliding in after her.

"Where to?" the driver asked. He had a Brooklyn accent. Greta didn't know if she liked it, but she did enjoy having someone speak in such a way that emphasized they had really made it.

"Julliard!" Greta grinned. She was so excited to be here, all her shyness seemed to go away.

"Ahh, I see we got ourselves a talented one here. What are you auditioning for?"

"Ballet," Greta replied. Finding her eyes unable to focus on one location as they drove out of the airport. She wanted to see everything.

"Well let me be the first one to tell you 'welcome to New York!'" The driver pulled away from the curb and took off down the road.

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