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Dear Sean Lew,

I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I thought I might update you on everything going on at home.

My mother and father are driving me mad. They keep talking to me about the wedding, which I understand they must, but they feel the need to remind me of the stupidest little things, like how I am supposed to act and what I am supposed to say and how I am to walk, it makes me feel as though I'm a child again. They won't even let me choose who will come to our wedding, saying that they must choose guests who are appropriate and we know well enough to make sure it won't damage our reputation. I was told that my bridesmaid was to be their friend's children, most of whom I have only met a few times. I rather not have them! But once again I didn't have a choice. I am hoping you got to decide some of the guests on your side. Perhaps once we are married I might become friends with some of them, without my parents having to 'allow it' first.

As if that wasn't enough, my mother feels the need to come into my room all the time to talk to me as well. Shes being picking thing in the house that I have to take with me and has even begun collecting my dresses so they can be moved to our new house. She tells me that we should get it done quickly because if we don't do it now we won't be able to do it later. She acts oddly when she tried to help me too. Sometimes, she yelling and ordering everyone to clean and others she come in and sit and talks to me about random things in my room that are sentiments to my childhood. I think she's trying to hint I leave and have children right away, but overall I'm just very confused.

Father doesn't seem to care at all, he only speaks to me if it in regards to my dowry or how you being part of our business will 'change everything for the better'. I fear that once we are married the only time we will converse is if I open the door when he wants to talk to you or when I'm pouring him a drink, but I guess that is just something I will have to deal with. I do wish we had got closer in these last few months, so when I leave it wouldn't be so bad. But I suppose his job was just to keep me long enough to marry me off to someone and make a profit off it, and that he did.

Sorry for bothering you with my problems once again and as weird as it is, I miss you.


Caitlin Rice


For the next nine days, Kaycee waiting by the door for their household's mail to be delivered. Repeatedly disappointed when there was nothing sent with her name written across the front, she began to lose hope. She knew he would have got her letter and been able to send one back by now, so why hadn't he?

On the tenth day, she decided not to go and wait downstairs. She listened as the mailman was greeted at the door, hoped that her father would call out and say there was a letter for her, but frowned as not a sound was made, and went back to her latest sewing project. Around 10 minutes later, she heard her mother walk up the stairs, and placed her sewing to the side.

"This came for you, I'm sorry your father must have put it to the side." her mother said, holding out a letter and a small box to Kaycee. The older woman watched as her daughter's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on her face at her words. As much as she wanted to intervene, she simply handed the paper and box over to her and walked out.

Kaycee instantly began tearing into the envelope and reading the letter.

Dear Miss Kaycee Caitlin Rice,

I'm am doing well, I hope you are too. I am so happy that you decided to write to me.

To begin, this letter should have made its way to you before your birthday, and I am not going to have another opportunity to say it so, Happy birthday. Hopefully, your present is intact. I wasn't sure what jewellery you liked, but I saw this pearl necklace in a shop window and thought it was a safe bet.

Referring to your dilemma at home, I am sorry you are not able to choose your guests but maybe it won't be as bad as you think. In the end, the important thing is that you, our parents and I am there, everyone else is just to fill seats. I was planning on leaving with you as soon as possible anyway. My family are incredibly picky and nosy about others lives, the quicker we make ourselves scarce the better. Plus, we get to drink all we want once we arrive in our new house, which I for one am looking forwards to very much.

As for your mother, I think you are looking at it the wrong way. From the sound of things, she doesn't want you to leave. I would imagine shes upset you leaving, but doesn't know how it expresses it. If she's finding excuses just to be with you with no real reasoning, its probably because she wants to spend more time with you before you leave. I could be wrong, you know your family much better than I do, but I have recently had to deal with my mother doing much the same. We are both their last children to leave home, looking after us if most of all they have known for the past 18 years. I have had to explain to my mother that I plan to come home and visit them and that she is free to come and see us whenever she feels necessary. Perhaps telling yours the same will give her peace of mind.

Unfortunately, I don't have any advice on what to do with your father, but I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure that's he focused on the wrong thing at the moment and he will soon realise what an amazing person you are. But don't fixate on it at the moment, it will come with time.

I hope this helped, but if it didn't at least I got my letter from you.

I miss you too.


Sean Charles Lew.

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