MD :: 08

418 23 7

tw : attempting suicide. 


i got halted from what i was doing and i looked up to see my classmates hurriedly running outside the classroom. my forehead creased upon realizing and recognizing their faces. they are worried and was about to freak out about whats going on outside. one of our classmates screams in the outside thats why the others also ran to see whats happening.

it was too anxiously i had to stood up and joined them from what they are seeing and for what is happening. when i went outside our classroom, almost all the students are there to witness whats going on. they are looking up to the sky as if they are looking from something that can only be seen from above. i had to walk to see it clearly and for me to able to know whats really happening.

"he is from engineering, right?"

"yeah. i heard that he and his boyfriend had broken up already."

my eyes widened and my heart suddenly ran faster out of nervousness when i heard some gossips from the students around me. i had to walk fast to reach for the right spot to see what they are seeing from above. im clutching my chest and i stopped by at the fountain near engineering building. i swallowed hard before looking up. the ray of sunlight reflected on my eyes thats why i had to look down again. .but when i tried to look up, my heart really jumped out of my chest.

it was. . it was minghao hyung! yeah! it was minghao hyung at the engineerings rooftop and only one step ahead he would fall down on the ground. my knees and my fingers started to fidget. im getting teary in no time. i must do something to prevent him from jumping out from the rooftop. i wanted to run but i was stuck and froze on my spot.

"h-hey, that's one of your friends right?!"

i looked to see another engineering student. i nodded in response fidgeting my whole body. i need to contact my hyungs for them to know what is happening. i want him to stop but i just couldn't walk and move properly. i was like stuck here and my feet glued with where i am standing right at the moment.

"seungkwan! seungkwan!" i heard jeonghan hyung called for my name. then in a split seconds he was here with me along with our other friends.

"oh my god minghao!" jihoon hyung exclaimed.

"goddamnit! lets go to the rooftop!" wonwoo hyung suggested.

we all run to reach for the rooftop. seokmin had to dragged me along with his. im not the one who is fidgeting right now. all of us. it took us about a minute before we finally arrived at the rooftop. once we got there minghao hyung is already on the middle part of the rooftop punching the man we dont know who.

"fuck you whoever you are!"

i dont know if im going to felt relief that he didnt jumped. or nah because his face is like a zombie. it was too devastating to see i unconsciously kneel down with my tears falling on my face. wonwoo and jihoon hyung tried to stop minghao hyung from punching the man. seokmin and i are crying out loud seeing minghao hyung. he looked like he's barely living. scratches on his arms and face. his nose are bleeding and his hair disheveled. my heart scattered into tiny pieces seeing minghao hyung like that.

minghao hyung. . what happened to you?

"minghao stop that already."

jihoon and wonwoo hyung had to pushed minghao hyung so that he would stop punching the poor man. jeonghan hyung helped the man to stood up. im doing nothing but to cry. it was too painful for me to see. if only i could cover my eyes, i would have done that earlier than sooner. jihoon and wonwoo hyung helped minghao on his tracks.

"im so sorry man." jeonghan hyung said apologetically.

the door of the ropftop swung opened revealing the university nurses. they both help minghao hyung and the guy who he punched. they were escorted with stretcher. seokmin and i stood up to follow the nurses from behind. i could hear minghao hyung's sobbed while holding into jihoon hyung's grip. my tears couldn't stop flowing on my face.

we didnt mind the students who tried to peek on the situation between the man and minghao hyung. i was holding into seokmin's hand and he is holding into me too. we arrived at the clinic, and by that moment i couldn't help but to scream minghao hyung's name when he suddenly passed out. jeonghan hyung tried so hard to calm himself down to help minghao hyung. it was devastating to see i had to leave them. i couldn't handle to see it. it was too painful for me to bear.

i went out of the clinic and sat on the nearby bench. i cover my face and cried even louder. im not used to see those kind of scene. that was the first time i saw how much he's suffering. my hands started to clenched. i wanted so bad to punched mingming hard on the face for making minghao hyung like that. i want to put him in the jail for a lifetime.

my sobbed can be heard on the nearby room. but i dont care as long as i released this thing inside of me. i flinched a little when a bottled water appeared in front of my face. i stared at those for moment before raising my gaze to see who's the man standing in front of me. the clenched on my fist faded when i saw hansol looking at me worriedly.

my hands are shaking when i took those from him. i opened the water bottle and i was surprise that the washer is already opened. i only had to drink it free. i drunk those full in one try. the side of his lips rose up before he sat next to me leaving a little gap between us.


"im sorry."

i looked at him with a confuse face. he looked at me and pursued his lips. "sorry. for what happened."

"its not your fault. dont get yourself involved."

he nodded still looking at me. i felt awkward so i had to look away. i was about to wipe my tears using my bare hands when he handled me a hanky. it took me a minute before i could take those from him, but guess he is impatient enough and just like a blink of an eye. he was the one wiping my tears using the hanky.

in that moment, i couldnt move my eyes. i was plussed by his sudden moves. i was just staring at him while he was wiping my tears. right at this moment, i couldn't see any thing or anyone. just him. just hansol wiping my tears away.

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