MD :: 65

306 9 48

advance again! :)


everyone was greeting a happy new year in every corner of the streets here in tokyo. the orange fairy lights scattered on the branches of every tree and even in every buildings windows. the sound of aude lyn syne which made the ambiance more emotional for the ending of the year. snows are everywhere too, and to tell you that even the snow was thick, this city is still as busy as it is.

hansol and i are walking down the streets of tokyo. the lights are so fascinating to see, everyone was laughing, everyone was happy. people scattered on the park, couples, families and all. the typical new year for the country who had an advantage to take the world.

"are we there yet?" i asked hansol and i smile when i saw that my breathings can be seen through the smoke of the snow.

hansol shook our hands. "no yet but were close." i saw his breathings too on the air and that made me giggled.

we walked for about five minutes more before we entered to a five star restaurant nearby. i was hesitant at first to sit because this place was too expensive but hansol gave me a pat and he helped me sat on the chair then he sat across mine. the place was warm but still not enough to make me cold. the waiter appeared from nowhere and he gave us both their menus.

as i roamed my eyes on the list, my eyes widened seeing how expensive the costs are! even the simplest water was expensive! i didnt know if my money was enough! i was only thinking that we'll going to eat at the park or to try their japanese street foods. i had never knew that hansol will take me here!

i dont have enough money to pay the foods i was going to eat! packing tape!

"whats yours, boo?"

i gulped my own saliva as i pursed my lips still roaming my eyes on lits trying to find something that can afford my savings. but because it took me so long to decide, hansol was the one who ordered for me as same as his. and when i found his order here on the list, my eyes widened again! it was too expensive! i dont know if i could pay that kind of price!

once the waiter walked away to ready our orders, i poke hansol using the menu list on his head. good thing that there were no people around, and if any, they have their own business. i glared at hansol and i throw the list of menu in front of him.

"you didnt inform me you're going to take me here. i dont have enough money you forehead!" i hissed and rolled my eyes on him.

he laughed which made me glare at him more. "dont worry, i can pay for yours. plus i was the one who brought you here, so its on me." he leaned his back on the chair and he stared at me intently.

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