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-Elizabeth's POV-

I had just packed up my things in my new home. I wanted to see how it looked around here before I went to school tomorrow, so I walked downstairs to father. I touched him on the shoulder and then told him that I was going out with sign language because I was deaf. He nodded and then I went off.

I walked away about 100 meters before I saw a park. I decided to go there and look around, maybe bye some icecream or something. So I walked there.

-Meliodas POV-

Me and the sins was in the park doing stuff. Elaine was there too and with Ban. They was going to buy an icecream. Diane just ran off with King to who knows where and with that I was by myself 'cause Escanor, Merlin and Gowther, one after one moved away, so now we can't hang out with them anymore.

I decided to go to my favourite place in the park. It was at a little poodle with some ducks and flowers there. It was a bench to sit and just look at the amazing view too.

When I cone there, I saw a silver haired girl sit at the bench. I walked a little closer to her to see what she was doing. She was petting a little cat. I decided to call her so that she knew I was there.

"Uh, sorry for interrupting." I said. She didn't look at me.

"Uh, hello?" I asked. No reaction.

"Okay, hello? I am sorry for interrupting you, but I just... hello?" I asked, she didn't look at me. She didn't react or respond. It was like I didn't exist. Then I decided to sit beside her to take her attention. I was curious to what was happening to her.

"Hello?" I asked and laid my hand on her shoulder. She jumped of surprise and the cat ran away. Then she looked at me.

"Sorry." I said. She didn't respond, so I continued.

"I just saw you sit here and this is my favourite place in this park. So I got a little curious because I have never seen you here before." I explained. No response. Then she lifted her hands and pointed at her hears. It was first then I understood, she was deaf.

"You are deaf?" I asked shocked. She nodded. Then something surprised me more and made me jump off of the bench in surprise.

"Yes, I am deaf. I don't hear anything, but I am quite good at reading lips, as long people don't talk too fast. I have learned to talk too, but I am not that good at that." She said. Her voice was so soft. Then I stood up.

"I am Meliodas, what's your name?" I asked.

"Elizabeth, nice meeting you." She said.

"You too." I said while sitting on the bench again. We sat and chatted for a little while, some times, I needed to say the same thing two times, but I didn't mind it. We only talked about this place and nothing more. Then she needed to go home, so I gave her my number and walked her home. I had completely forgotten about  the sins until I come home and saw their texts.

I just started thinking about Elizabeth. She is so much like her. She is kind, pretty, beautiful, cute, funny and everything Liz was, or was at the beginning at least. I really miss the through to love someone, but I will never love anyone again. Not after what Liz did.

-Diane's POV-

We looked everywhere for the Captain. He was no wd here to be seen. It was getting dark and everyone needed to go home. I was so going to make him tell us what he did and scold him for not telling us when he left.

-Elizabeth's POV-

"Elizabeth! How do you like this place?" My sister Veronica asked in sign language.

"I have a friend now. His name is Meliodas." I said to her in sign language.

"That's good to hear, but you need to eat dinner and then go to bed, it's school tomorrow." Veronica said in sign language. I just nodded and did as told.

When I was in bed, I could only think of Meliodas. My first friend. No one want to be friend with me because I was deaf. They thought it is hard to be friends with deaf people and I am not able to go to a special school because I need to live there then. I couldn't even think of a life without my siblings and father. Then I fell asleep. I could just wait to my first day to start.

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