Meliodas father

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked out off the classroom to the principle office when the teacher told me to go there. I didn't know why I needed to go there. The teacher just told me to go there. I knocked on the door, then it opened. I walked in.

"You wanted to see me? Have I done something?" I asked.

"Yes, Liones. I heard you are deaf, so Mrs. Clane will tell you with sign language what I say. Understand?" The principal asked. I nodded.

"Miss Liones, as a father, I want to protect my son. The heir to be principal to this school. My pride, my family, my child and my first priority. His safety is my first priority and with that, I don't want you to be near him. So from now on, you need to stay away from him. The teachers have already been informed with this and will report it to me if they see you with him." He said.

"I-I understand." I said, I got very sad at the fact I will lose my first friend.

"You can go back now." He said. I nodded and walked out, back to the classroom.

-Meliodas POV-

When Elizabeth leaved, I said I was going to the toilet for an excuse. Then I started to follow Elizabeth. She walked to my father's office. I saw Elizabeth walk in and then I stood outside there to listen.

I heard the part when she wasn't allowed to be near me and I got angry. Why?! Why did he do this to me?! I shouldn't have told him about her yesterday. He knew she would start in this school, that's why he listened. He never listened to me. I told him I liked her pretty much and now, I am not allowed to be with her. I hate him so much. I was just too happy to meet her, I told him.

~ Flashback ~

I was lying in my bed, about to go to sleep. Then it knocked on the door and father walked in.

"I saw you has been really happy today. What happened?" Father asked.

"I meet this girl today. Elizabeth, she is very kind, funny and beautiful. I liked to spend time with her. The only thing is that she is deaf, so I need to look at her when I speak so that she will be able to read my lips. I don't really mind that, because then I can look in her beautiful blue eyes and pink lips and-" I got cut off.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't care." Father said while walking out and shot the door.

~ Flashback over ~

I ran back to the class and sat down. What have I done?

Elizabeth walked in the classroom, walked to her seat beside me and started packing her thighs.

"I'm sorry." I heard her whisper before taking off to another seat. She walked to sit down at the only chair that wasn't taken, beside Howser. I feel really bad about it, he is a big player.

The rest off the day until lunch, I just stared at Elizabeth. She looked really sad. That's not all either, Howser always tried to flirt with her the whole day. I got really angry every word he said. Elizabeth even blushed sometimes. He didn't let her be one second.

I walked up to Elizabeth who was talking to Diane and Elaine when the lunch was over and it was lunch break. I touched her shoulder and she turned around.

"Hey Eliza..." I got cut off by her turning back and say something to Diane and Elaine.

"I need to go, sorry." Elizabeth said and walked away.

"Captain, what did you do?" Diane asked.

"Well, I accidentally talked about Elizabeth with my father." I said.

"And?" Elaine asked.

"Now, she isn't allowed to be near me, says my father, but don't tell her I know, because..." I answered, cut myself off after.

"Because?" Diane asked.

"Because I kinda even dropped when my father told her to stay away from me." I answered.

"Meliodas... Do you like her?" Elaine started sad, but then asked happy. I started to scratch my neck.

"Maybe?" I said while looking down a little.

"YOU LIKE HER!" Both the girls yelled.

"Who like who?" Ban asked, walking over with King.

"Captain/Meliodas like Elizabeth!" Diane and Elaine said excited.

"Really?! You do?!" King asked.

"I'm proud off you Captain!" Ban said and smacked me in the head friendly.

"Yeah, now we don't need to handle your sad mood anymore." King spoke. I just looked down again.

"Sorry guys, she isn't allowed to be near Meliodas." Elaine said sad.

"What?! Why?!" Ban and King said at the same time.

"The principal told her to stay away from the Captain because of his feelings." Diane said.

"He is a big party crusher!" Ban said.

"It's just like Liz, I just hope THAT doesn't happen to her either."  King said. The others nodded.

"Yeah, I will never forgive him for THAT." I said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Diane asked. I shook my head.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I wish I could be with Meliodas. He was my first friend and now? I can't be with him. He is pretty cute too... and funny.

"Ugh, what will I do?" I asked myself out loud. Then someone touched my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about cutie?" He asked.

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