The date and operation

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-Meliodas POV-

She will have a ear operation to make her hear? It will be amazing! Wait, but what if she doesn't like my voice?

I am so happy for her and hugged her. I can't believe that, but I was scared of what she would think of me.

We then walked to class. I couldn't stop staring at Elizabeth the whole day. I couldn't wait for our date either.

When school was over, I ran home and got ready for the date. I have already planned what to do in school, so I just needed to get everything ready.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked home and knocked on Margaret's door. She come and opened.

"Elizabeth! What are you doing here?" She asked with sign language.

"I am going on a... date and don't know what to wear." I said. She smiled and pulled me inside. Then she throw some clothes on me.

"Try this!" She signed with sign language when I had about 10 outfits. I nodded and did as told. It took a whole hour to try everything, but then she decided that I would just take a white dress with pink flowers on.

I made me ready and then it was only to wait. It was just some minutes before he wold come.

Margaret got me and made me opened the door. Then I saw Meliodas.

"Ready to go?" He signed in sign language. I nodded before I said bye to Margaret.

We started with going to eat icecream as we talked. After we both was done eating, we headed to the Cinema and it was exactly that movie I have wanted to watch.

-Meliodas POV-

When we was in the cinema, I was trying to get as close to her as possible. I tried to take a arm around her, but it was a little difficult with the jump scares that made us both jump a little. Elizabeth is always getting more scared then the others, I think it is because that she can't hear what is happening like we others.

When the movie finally ended, I had snuck my arm around her, but then we had to go. I was walking her to a cafe to have some dinner and then I walked her home.

It was so fun the whole day from school's end to now. I wanted to do it again. I walked Elizabeth home and then we said our goodbyes at the door.

"Elizabeth? Would you want to do it again?" J asked, a little shy and I could feel my cheeks get warmer.

"Yes, it was fun!" She said. I lit up and hugged her. Then we actually said goodbye and I walked home.

Now it was only one thing I could think of. Her operation tomorrow after school.

When school was over the next day, I decided to be by Elizabeth's side at the operation.

"Elizabeth?" I asked. She looked at me confused.

"Is it okay if I am with you... on the operation?" I asked. She smiled.

"Of course." She said. I smiled and took her hand.

"Then let's go to... where we are going!" I said. She giggled.

"We are going home to me first, I need to change clothes." She said. I nodded and we walked there in silence until she spoke.

"Why did you want to come with me?" She asked.

"I wanted to make sure you was okay." I said, looking at her so that she would understand. She nodded.

"Thank you." She said after and we arrived.

"Elizabeth, go and change, we are going in 5 minutes!" Elizabeth's father said. Elizabeth just nodded and ran upstairs.

Elizabeth come down in a white nightgown like dress. Then we all walked to the car. Elizabeth's father was driving, her big sister Margaret was in the front. Her sister Veronica was on the left, Elizabeth in the middle and I was on the right at the back.

We drove in about 1 and a half hour before arriving and walking in. Elizabeth was taken to a room alone while we others could only wait. It was silent. Awkward silent.

After about 5 hours with the others sleeping nearly the whole time, she come back. She looked sad.

"Elizabeth? Didn't it work?" I asked, looking at her and ran up to her.

"It... it did work!" She said with a big smile. I hugged her and she hugged back.

"I can't believe that you is able to hear." I said.

"I can't believe it either, I never imagined it would be like this." She said.

"I'm so happy!" I said.

"I am too." She said. Then we was interrupted by Zfake coughing. We looked there to see Elizabeth's dad.

"We need to go home. It's getting late." He said with a smile. We nodded and then we all walked back to the car.

When we come back and out of the car I looked at Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth? Can I talk to you alone?" I asked. She nodded.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked. I pulled her to behind her house.

"Elizabeth, I like you really really much. You are my world, I wouldn't even be able to imagine a world with you gone. What I am trying to say is that... that I love you and wondered if you would like to be... my girlfriend?" I asked. Her face lit up.

"Yes!" She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really!" She said.

"Then I can do this!" I said and kissed her. She kissed back.


Deaf girl love a normal boyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ