Forgive and forget

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-Meliodas POV-

Some minutes later, I saw a man walk to the teacher's room. I waited and two minutes later, I saw the man walk out with Elizabeth. I assume he is Elizabeth's father. When they walked, I saw Elizabeth see me and she walked a little closer to the man. Then they continued to walk to my father's office.

Then the school bell rang, saying that it was time for me to apologise. I signed and walked to my father's office.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard my father said. I walk in and saw the man sitting in one chair to the right, Elizabeth sitting in a chair in the middle and then an empty chair for me while my father had his usually spot.

I walked to my seat, but the second I sat down, Elizabeth moved a little closer to the man beside her. I just signed and looked down in shame.

"Mr. Drake, I heard from my precious daughter what your son did to her and I do not appreciate it." The man said.

"I understand that and I am very sorry for what he did. He is too, right?!" Father asked. I nodded.

"I am really sorry and I regret I did that." I said, still looking down.

"I understand that you are sorry, but it doesn't change what you did." The man said. I nodded in understanding.

"But, I would like to know why you did it and hear your story too." He continued. I was surprised that he wanted that. Most people would only want one explanation and it is from their child.

So I started explaining.

"It was so that, I saw Zeldoris kissing Elizabeth and that pissed me off because I may or my not like her more than a friend. So I pushed him away from her and wanted to take care of him for doing that, but then I heard Elizabeth cry. I walked up to her and tried to comfort her, but it didn't work. Then I couldn't hold myself back anymore, so I kissed her cheek, but it felt so good that I couldn't stop. So I continued to kiss her and then I pulled her in my arms. Still continued to kiss her. I could feel her try to brake free and hear when she begged me to stop, but it felt so good I couldn't. Then the teacher come and pulled us apart." I explained.

"I understand how you felt, I felt the same when I was younger. You are still young and need to learn more. So I will let this one time slide without consequences, but next time. It will be serious consequences." The man said. I looked at Elizabeth, she still looked scared, but she couldn't hear what I said so it is still the same for her.

"But is Elizabeth okay with that?" I asked. The man started doing things with his hands. Elizabeth nodded and then looked at me.

"It's okay, as long it doesn't happen again." She said, looking at me. I nodded.

"Actually, it was Elizabeth that suggested that to me before this meeting. I was only going to agree if it was a good reason you did it." The old man said. Elizabeth looked at the man when he talked and it looked like she understood everything. Her face became red in embarrassment.

"F-father!" Elizabeth said embarrassed. I could just smile at her. After everything I have done, she still forgives me.

"E-Elizabeth?" I asked. Elizabeth is still deaf, so her father pointed at me, she then looked at me.

"Elizabeth, I am really sorry and someday, I hope you can really forgive me." I said. Elizabeth smiled.

"It's okay Meliodas. I forgive you." She said. It felt like I could cry of happiness.

"Well then, so with that. Everything is okay and we can go back to normal." Father said. Everyone nodded. Then I walked home.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked to the car with father. I got in the car and he started driving. When we come home. I walked up to my room. Now when I think about it, I actually liked to be in his arms. In Meliodas arms, as long as I could get out of it when I wanted. Then I made some homework and got everything ready and I drift off to sleep.

The next day. I wake up and walked downstairs. I got ready and started walk to school. I was still a little scared after yesterday, but it felt good too. I know he didn't mean to make me feel that way. He just... He just wanted... what did he want when he did that?

Then I arrived at school and decided to not think about it. I felt a touch on my shoulder and then a hug. When they stopped hugging me, I saw it was Meliodas.

"Hey Elizabeth. Is..." He cut himself off and looked away.

"Is?" I asked. He turned to look at me again.

"Nevermind. Want to walk to class?" He asked. I nodded. He took my hand and we walked to the classroom. Once in the classroom, I walked to a seat and he walked to one beside me.

I took out my sketch book and started drawing. Or that was until I felt a touch on my shoulder. I looked up to see Meliodas again.

"Hey, you think you could lear me sign language?" He asked. I nodded.

"After school?" I asked. He nodded.

"We can walk to my place if you want." He said. I just nodded in agreement. It was then I come to think of something. How did his voice sound like? How did my voice sound like? How did everything sound like?

Then I started drawing until I saw one foot at my seat. I looked up to see it was Diane. Then I saw the others too. They was talking with Meliodas and didn't look happy.

"Oh, hey Elizabeth. We didn't want to disturb you." Diane said.

"Diane, what are you doing to Meliodas?" I asked worried.

"We are scolding him for what he did to you." Diane answered.

"But I forgave him yesterday, I am fine." I said.

"Ohh, so what he said was true?" Diane asked. I nodded. Then she turned around to everyone else. They looked at her and then looked at me, so I assume she told them what I told her or something. Then I could see Ban say one last thing before leaving.

"Don't do that again, Captain!" He said before he left. The others said something too, but I couldn't see what they said. They left and I turned my head to Meliodas.

"What did they say?" I asked.

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