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I woke up to Veronica shaking me. I jumped off bed and started get ready for school. I didn't really like school, but I didn't like to be late either.

I ate my breakfast and said my goodbyes. Then I took off. I already knew the way thanks to my other sister Margaret that showed me the way before I packed up my things.

-Meliodas POV-

I woke up, a little happier than usual. I started to get ready for school. When I was done, I could just wait for the sins to come.

I waited about 15 minutes before they come.

"Hey Captain!" Diane shouted.

"Hey, guys." I said with a big smile.

"What's up with the smile?" Ban asked.

"Smile? Oh, ugh, it's nothing." I said while started walking.

"You sure? Has something happened?" King asked.

"Nope, I woke up like this today." I said.

"Hey, I have heard we are getting a new student today. What do you think she or he is like?" Diane asked. My smile grow bigger than before, as I hope it is Elizabeth.

"A new student?" Ban asked.

"That's that smile again, you sure nothing happened?" King asked. I nodded then looked infront of me again. When I did that I saw Elizabeth walking.

"Ugh, sorry guys, I will come back in a minute." I said.

"What will you do?" Diane asked,

"Elizabeth!" I said, then I was gone. I had walked up to Elizabeth. Like yesterday, she didn't hear me, so I needed to touch her shoulder to get her attention. She saw me and said 'hi'.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To my new school." Elizabeth answered.

"That sounds fun, how do you feel about it?" I asked.

"Actually, I don't like school, I never had friends." She answered. I felt bad about it, so I hugged her.

"I am sure you will make some new friends and if you don't, I am always here. Okay?" I said. She nodded and I let go off her.

"Anyways, what school will you go to?" I asked.

"The drake academy." She answered. I was happy.

"That's my school too!" I said.

"Captain!" Diane shouted. Elizabeth didn't hear, because she is deaf, but I did and looked back. I had totally forgot about the sins. I took her hand and pulled her back to the sins.

"Captain, who's this?" Ban asked.

"Guys, this is Elizabeth, Elizabeth, this is Ban, Diane and King. My friends." I said looking at Elizabeth when I said who the sins are.

"I will write it down to you." I said and took out my text book from my backpack.

"Captain, what are you doing?" King asked while I wrote down their names. Then Elizabeth pointed at her ears.

"I am deaf." She said. Then I showed her the names. She nodded and thanked me.

"Oh, I am so sorry." Diane said.

"Don't be, I have been deaf my whole life, so it doesn't bother me. I have learn to read lips instead of hearing." She said.

"We should go now, before we are late." King said. We nodded. We arrived at school one minute after or two. We all needed to go to our class when we come to not be late.

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