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-Elizabeth's POV-

The teacher tried to calm me down after what Meliodas did. I never thought he would be like that. I thought he would be kind and caring and a friend. Not like that. What is this? I thought it couldn't be worse then get bullied and asked out the whole time, but I was wrong. When I was there, in his grip, it felt like I was going to die. That he was going to rape me there and then.

It took about 30 minutes to clam me down. I missed two full lessons because I could stay in the teacher room until my next lesson started because of what happened. Under the time in the teacher room, I could only think of what happened.

I felt terrified when he did that. When he pushed away the black haired boy, I thought he was going to try to comfort me and only help me. Then... Then he just started to kiss me up and down. It was terrifying. And... And when he pulled me in his grip that I couldn't get out of. I just. I felt so weak.

Then all of a sudden, Diane, Ban, King and Elaine ran in the room.  Diane touched my shoulder to get me to look at her.

One teacher gave her paper and pencil and told them something. They nodded and Diane started writing.

Elizabeth?! Are you okay?! Diane wrote. Then gave the paper to me. My eyes was full of tears, so I couldn't read lips very well. They didn't have a choice to write. I wrote back.

I am scared, please don't leave me. I wrote back, I am glad that you can talk without to stutter on a paper.

What happened?! Elaine wrote.

I was walking to my next class when I bumped in a black haired, short boy. He pinned me to a wall and talked too fast to me then I could read lips. I told him I didn't understand him and then everyone was gone to class. He let go of me, but not so I could walk away. I started to write. When I paused, King took the paper and started read it out loud, because I could see how his lips was moving. Then he gave me back the paper, signaling to me to continue.

The boy pinned me to the wall again and kissed me. Then Meliodas come and pushed him away from me. I started crying and Meliodas walked to sit beside me on the floor. Then he just started kissing my cheek and neck and pull me into him. I tried to get out of his grip, but he was too strong and just continued to kiss me. Then some teachers come and helped me and took me here. I wrote down. I was on the point of starting to cry when I wrote that. I gave the paper to King as he read it out loud. All their faces turned to surprised, angry, disbelief and sad. Then Diane started to write something down.

I am so sorry he did that to you, Elizabeth. We are so going to have a serious talk to him. Diane wrote. I couldn't help but smile.

Thanks guys. You are the best! I wrote back. Then Ban snatched the paper.

I am going to have my serious talk to him now! Take care of yourself princess.  Ban wrote, I just nodded. Then he walked out, King followed.

-Meliodas POV-

"Meliodas! The teacher told me what you did!" Father said.

"I-I am sorry." I said, sitting in the chair infront of my father and looked down to my fets.

"Do you know what can happen now?! This is really bad! She is a Liones! Do you know what they can do?! They are the most powerful family in the country!" Father said.

"I am really sorry." I said.

"Okay, we will take this from the beginning. The teachers just told me what they saw, nothing more. So you need to tell me the whole story, okay?" Father asked. I just nodded and started to tell him.

I told him from the bit Zeldoris was kissing her to that she was crying. I told him that I wanted to comfort her, but then just started kissing her. I told him that I couldn't stop ad made everything worse with pulling her into my arms, kissing her more. Then told him about when she tried to get out of my grip and how she begged to let her go, but I didn't listen. Then the teachers come and that he know the rest.

"Meliodas! You should really be sorry! She must have felt like she was going to be raped!" Father said. I couldn't look up at father. I felt so guilty.

"This was the reason I didn't want her to be near you! This was the reason I did that to Liz!" Father said. I was shocked. He knew this would have happened then?

"If you only knew what the Liones could do! Elizabeth must be terrified!" Father said.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I need to see her and convince her to not tell her father or at least not want her to report you." Father said.

"Report me?" I asked.

"To the police! You could go to jail if you was older, but in your age, it will only be that we need to pay money." Father said. I was shocked. That will happen?

"How much do we need to pay?" I asked.

"It's not always the same, but it should be around
1 000 000 dollar." Father said. That much?! I caused that much trouble?!

"You can go now and start thinking about an apology, when the school is over, you will come here to apologise!" Father said. I nodded and walked out.

I walked back to my classroom when I hear yelling.

"CAPTAIN! COME RIGHT HERE!" Ban yelled. I walked over to him and King.

"What the hell?! Why did you do that to Elizabeth?!" Ban said angry.

"Yeah! She is horrified!  She nearly want to move and always is at the point of crying!" King said angry, but not as angry as Ban.

"S-she is?" I asked. They both nodded.

"And that is because of what you rid to her! The nurse even suggested therapy for her!" Ban yelled.

"W-what?" I asked.

"You heard me! T-h-e-r-a-p-y! Therapy!" Ban said, more angry.

"She doesn't want to be alone one second. Her father are going to come here and take her home in some minutes. He is on his way." King said.

"What have I done?" I asked, looking down to the floor.

"I don't know why you did it, but you shouldn't be near her. She doesn't even want to be near anyone except me, Ban, Diane or Elaine right now." King said.

"Yeah, you even gave her hiccups! Why did you do it?! She trusted you and you do that to her! Even if you just meet each other, she trusted you, but you just turned her down! She is crying herself to death in the teachers room!" Ban said. He is just getting angrier and angrier.

"Please, let me see her." I said.

"No way in hell! You was the one that made her like that!" Ban yelled.

"You will see her soon enough." King said, then they both walked away.

What will I do now?

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