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After some time I woke up and go to kitchen to do help. I find Luna Aurbey who is baking cake for her kids birthday party . Luna always helps me whenever I'm in trouble but sadly she doesn't know that her son and daughter are my main bullies in school. She made me learn how to do baking. She can't say no against the alpha for making me prepare food for everyone , so she and my aunt helped me learn how to make food.

"Happy birthday Eva" Luna wished me.

"Thanks Luna" I smiled at her.

"Come on lets get to work , this year I want to make a red velvet cake for kids . I'm so excited that Cass ,Candice and you  may find your mates today" she said excitedly.

"Yeah even I hope so" I said and got to work . After the cake was done I cleaned kitchen and then filled it with alcohol . I went home after that. I'm lucky that I can live at my aunts house as at first I was given a small room , if we call it a room more like a closet to live before my aunt could take me under her wing.

I did bath and sat on bed now it is 7 p.m. I'm exhausted. I was about to do homework when I heard a knock on the front door  so went to check it.

I found my friends Sarah and Ralph at the door and I let them in.

"hey what are you guys doing here" I asked

"We are here to celebrate your birthday so get your ass in your room and get ready ,we are going to alpha's birthday party" Ralph said and started settling on the sofa.

"Woah why on earth do you think I'm going to his party" I asked folding my hands under my chest.

"Cause we are bored and its your sixteenth birthday so, u deserve to go and enjoy a little" Sarah said and started pulling towards my room.

"Sarah I don't want to attend party especially Cass's and Candice one where I'm sure gonna get bullied even its my birthday" I told her.

"Listen alpha gave orders that everyone should attend so that Cass can find his mate but here you are sitting in your room ,you know what will happen if you don't obey his orders ,he will punish you, so get ready fast its already 8 p.m. now" Sarah said.

As I can't do anything i stared getting ready. I wore a ripped jeans and black crop top and did minimal make up  as I hate makeup.

I went down stairs and ate some food as I was hungry. Ralph is tapping his shoes and waiting for me.

"Come on Eva eat fast you are making us late. I think you are doing this cause you want to go to the party late." Ralph said

I sighed and started making my way out of the door.

"Finally" Sarah said dramatically.

It took us 15 minutes alphas backyard where the party is going on. Seeing me many people murmured what an omega is doing at he party. Mostly omegas in this pack are not allowed to attend parties, Omegas are to clean after the party and be maids and do all the work. In our pack me and 2 other girls are omegas and we  have to all the work like cleaning bathrooms rooms, cooking food , a punch and doing all other things.

I started moving to the edges not wanting to be seen by anyone so that I don't have to listen to anyone's comments.

The party is on full swing the younger kids are inside the house partying and the elders sat outside near the fire as it was chilly. Even though we are werewolves people still tend to get little cold as it is November ending .Time flew by and now its 9:50  and I'm feeling excited and nervous.

Lets go inside Rose

Why Vio ,any particular reason because I don't want to go inside and see those horny teenagers on me.

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