Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine in HWAJO was when Louis and Victoria found out about how they secretly talked to each other. This is so similar for the idea of this chapter. I swear I didn't mean to plan it this way, xD

Chapter Nine

After driving for about two hours more, it was about 6:13pm and the sun was starting to set.

"Text the boys and tell them we should check into a hotel soon. It's getting dark." Ava told me, putting on her left turn signal.

I nodded and pulled out my phone, sending a text to Liam.

-Tell Louis to pull over at the next hotel. We'll be bunking there for the night.

Within seconds Liam replied.


"He said okay." I notified Ava who was now pulling into a cheap looking hotel, that seemed to only have two floors.

"Looks cheap enough." Ava said, cutting the engine and hopping out of the truck.

I slammed the door and cursed. Running a hand through my hair. The thought of my lonely suitcases sitting in the back of Chet's trunk crossed my mind.

"Whats wrong?"

I looked at Liam who was walking towards Ava and I, "I left my suitcase in Chet's Mini Cooper. I don't have any clothes."

I felt a hand on my arm and I turned my head to the side to look at Ava. "Yeah?"

She smiled, "You can borrow some of mine. We're like the exact same size."

I nodded silently, and pulled Ava's suitcase out of the back of her truck. We all trudged inside the hotel, walking up to the receptionist desk.

"May I .. Oh my gosh your One Direction!" The worker looked over at Ava and I with a scowl, "Minus you two of course."

Liam cleared his throat and shot her a smile, "We'd like to request two rooms please."

The worker rung up the cost of our two rooms before giving us our separate room keys.

"Give me a ring if you need anything!" The worker yelled after us. Louis waved his hand in acknowledgment an we headed off to our rooms that were on the first floor.

"Have fun you guys." Ava said, sticking the key in to the door. We both stepped in, before any of the boys could follow. I heard groans of protest followed by a few profanities and smirked.


"I can't believe Lauren is finally single." Ava said, staring at the laptop screen in front of her on the bed.

"Who was she dating again?"

"She dated Stan - Louis' old best friend for about two months."

I dried my wet hair with the towel I had used for my shower, "Poor Stan."

Ava laughed, "Tell me about it."

I walked back into the small bathroom and threw my towel on the floor and straightened out the tank top Ava had given me to wear.

"Oh! Tori, I have an idea."

I emerged from the bathroom, curiously looking at Ava who was grinning wickedly at the laptop screen.

"What is it?" I asked slowly, unsure of what she was planning.

She motioned for me to come over. I slowly walked to the queen sized bed and sat down next to her, and glanced at her screen. Displayed on the screen was bright white background with blue lining - which I instantly recognized as Facebook. But, the one thing that struck me as odd is that Ava was on the One Direction official Facebook page.

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