Chapter 1 - The City

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A Reploid. Beings that are man made but have the complete ability to think and feel as if they were humans. These mechanical beings can form relationships, fight and fall in love, just like their human counterparts.

Within the long halls of Maverick Hunter HQ, many lights, monitors and wires decorated this grand building. The place was full of robotic life, Reploids mumbling and talking amongst one another about their next mission. The keyboards clacking away as the Navigators would go through records to find their next Maverick outlaw. The glow of the screen decorated one blonde navigators face, giving their skin a hue of blue.

"X, Zero. There has been a report of a Maverick, Vile, causing trouble within the city centre. He's already hurt a few bystanders and our team need backup." Her tone was serious, with a slight hint of anxiety, as time went by she knew the damage would only get worse.

X replied with confidence "don't worry Alia, we wont let him get away with this, will we Zero?"

"heh, we've beat him before, we can do it again" Zero said, a smirk adorned on his face.

Just like that, the room glowed and the two Maverick Hunters teleport away. Just as quick as they vanished they had landed at the city centre teleport. Embers decorated the air whilst the sky had been covered in a hue of warm grey clouds and smoke combined together, only amplifying the damage caused. The floor beaded with Reploid parts, each body easily obliterated, just like their life.

"Damn, Vile has really caused a number on this place X" Zero stated, looking at his team mate and running towards the epicentre of the damage.

"yeah we need to hurry or more innocent lives me be taken" X had a sad look on his face, the lifeless bodies of the other maverick hunters become more common the closer they got to the city.

As Zero turned the corner he saw a female Reploid pointing a peashooter of a buster at the large towering ride armour, her H/L hair messy from the battle. Adorned on her armour was various dents, scratches. Her breath slightly hitched.

"I wont let you win Vile"

"You pathetic excuse of a Reploid, what do you expect to do with that thing you call a buster? You don't even have a class! Now take this!"

Just as he shouted the giant claw of the ride armour was hurdling towards her, and she had already excepted her fate. Closing her eyes she gritted her teeth and inhaled the thick smoke around.

Zero assessing the situation knew that she was not a Hunter, but why would she be fighting a Maverick. "she looks pretty damaged, I gotta stop Vile one more blow on her and she's a goner."

The building reflected a blue light and the ride armour dripped to the floor, the wires sparking bright with life but dimmed down as soon as it hit the ground. Swinging his harms, Zero grabbed the female Reploid and got her away from the carnage. Buster shots being fired Zero knew X had the mission under control. Looking back at the female Reploid he noticed that she had passed out, for some reason, upon instinct he held her closer.

"don't worry we'll fix you"

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